Top 5 This Week

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Tehkummah Talk and Times

Life keeps moving on. We have seen so many changes in (and around) our communities in the last little while. The folks who used to own Holiday Haven told me (at the Laundromat) of Marion O‘Brien’s death. Much sympathy to the family. (Tara used to work at Holiday Haven.) We celebrated Tara’s birthday at Carol’s and Earl’s on Monday night (compliments of Marg and Jim). Skylar, Ray and I completed the party. I had barely gotten through the door, my day at the doctor’s office. A lovely sweet young lady “nurse practitioner”. What a pleasure to be in her presence. The laundromat was busy, a queue for the machines. Had a lovely visit with Margaret Knott and Barney Deforge who is displaced temporarily because of a fire at his home site. I sang a couple of songs to an adorable little boy who was there, who didn’t know what to make of me. I did a bit of shopping for Mum as she couldn’t go with me (other commitments). I said hello to Elaine Denovan. Darn it, I always have to ask people who they are even when I “know” them by their smile.

We sang “Happy Birthday” to Tara at bingo. Bev, Steven and Mary were working at it!

I just got my breakfast in me and it’s only 7 am, and I got my laundry put away this morning first. Overcast and cold, no dew, so it will rain today I’m sure.

Oh, I had a little chat with Marie (Martin) at Foodland. You can tell by my disjointed column how my mind is so well organized, right? Niece Mary McGauley too.

Amazed by all that fall colour. Doesn’t it seem too soon? Today those adorable young hummingbirds are parting my hair. They sure come close as they play, circle, and do their figure eights through the flowers. Though the Himalayan orchid is deemed an invasive weed. They are sure beautiful and the birds and bees love ‘em!

I called Burt Bosje this morning. He sounds his usual cheery self. I haven’t seen him or Elaine for ages. (Since I talked to him he had another “small” setback.) Darn it, eh!

Ted (Glasby) said Echo was asking about me. They had a “family reunion” in Kagawong on the weekend.

Laurie says The Garden Shed restaurant will be closing on September 7.

You know I felt guilty putting the little toad outside, but I explained he’s got to get used to living outside. He’ll probably go around the house and come back in. I said, enough is enough! He was hopping on the couch, heck I could sit on him! There is still a big one in here somewhere. I guess they go outside to feed (but it was raining tonight). What a night to show him the door. I’m gonna miss him! Maybe?

Today (Tuesday) was our last Sandfield cribbage. Melissa has organized these and this was the end of her holiday time. Today’s winners: Me, high hand, 24; Dorothy, 693; Patricia, 692; Betty Jean, 681; Jean and Cal tied with 675; Bill, 649; Betty Jean, door prize. She also drove Dorothy, Mum and I over. We all sang Happy Birthday to Pat (Norton).

A much taller Jacob walked up the path next door. He’s been away most of the summer. Last week he attended his Aunt Shannon Bebamash’s wedding held at Deerhurst Inn. Congratulations to the newlyweds!

On August 20 at cribbage we celebrated Pat Norton’s birthday (from two days earlier). I made a special cake but there were cakes, cookies, crackers, cheese, and pizzas galore. We only had four tables. Edgar and Rita were back. They had been home to celebrate their 50th anniversary with all their family from Ontario and out west. High hand, Joy, 23; first, Cal and Gib, 932; second, Laura and Pat, 915; third, Mary and Jean, 912; low, Dorothy and Eugene, 846; door prize, Gib. Nice to have June, a good cribbage player, who was my partner. I went to Mum’s after and let her skunk me again!

After supper I went down to Lori and Rick’s. Linda, Darren and MacKenzie and their brother Gary, who came with them (he flew into Toronto from MacKenzie, B.C. Tuesday). They arrived here from Fonthill about noon on Wednesday.

Rita was on K.P. duty for the euchre tournament. There were nine and a half tables. First, Gordon and Marion, 88 points; Sherry and Reg, 75 and 7 lone hands; Lyla and Clive, 72; Graham and Sheila, 71; low, Harold and Audrie, 40 (and two out of town skunks); door prize, Donna.

I hadn’t picked up my mail for a few days and what a lovely surprise. Luckily I had a loose shirt on, as my buttons would have flown a mile. Thank you so much for the lovely card and the complimentary words, I eat them up! Thanks Carol Lee!

Guess who’s back? I hear him. I haven’t seen him. I guess he likes me too. I just yelled over at him. Stay off the couch! So much for showing him the door.

Lori says she’s going to have a yard sale this Saturday at her Dad’s apartment across from the Triangle Hall. Apparently it’s a neighbourhood yard sale. Starts at 9 am. I’m having one too, but it starts Friday at 10 am.

Dropping tears all over the page as I write, just finished watching the movie “The Notebook” on TV. What a good/sad show. A problem that too many today seem to have to deal with!

Well I did catch a couple of hours’ sleep this afternoon, but my goodness, it has seemed busy. So much going on. So many family members to hug and I didn’t have near enough time for visiting them all. The Memorial Tribute Friday afternoon was well attended. The Celebration of Life for Everett Hall. Lori gave a speech, (Thanking and Welcoming), Judy read a poem, Sherry and Tavis spoke, Colleen and Elaine, Rick too, I read a poem I had written about a family gathering earlier this year. Long distance folk were Gary from MacKenzie, B.C., Linda, Darren and MacKenzie from Fonthill, Steve and Gail from Creemore, Tory and Amilia, and Desmond and Declan. The two little guys, my great-grandsons, I met Desmond in person in October three years ago. When I had my heart surgery I met Declan for the first time—cute little boys. They stayed up at Tavis’ yard in Gore Bay. Kim made a special trip out from Killarney. I think the rest of the relatives and friends were Islanders. Rob Harkes made it a special point to see Gary again. It had been ? years. They may have been young teen! Lots of visiting going on. A lovely lunch was served up by the Tehkummah Triangle Club. There was a display table of photographs, Everett’s uniform, and photographs of ships he had worked on. Lori had help putting together a computer display of family photos, etc. It was a nice afternoon.

Sherry and Dave, and Cal and I went to the Murder Mystery Dinner in Manitowaning. What a wonderful evening. So very funny, kept us in stitches Liz Grier, actors, and organizers. A great job! Loose, I mean, Luce was eye-catching and sexy. The ship’s crew and passengers, suspects, Elvis singing, song composer, massacre, good meal, great evening. Thanks! Can’t wait for the next one. If ever I’m in a situation where I’m about to drown, it will “Depends” on how I put the life jacket on. We had a game of Sequence at Cal’s afterwards.

We were at Lori and Rick’s for supper. Their family (Gary, Lori, Rick, Jase, Linda, Darren, and MacKenzie) buried Everett’s ashes this afternoon (Thursday).

It was interesting talking to Weston and Gail (Leeson) and being made more aware of the Leeson family history!

Pauline and Wayne covered a lot of territory on their week’s travel. Even visited Uncle Charlie.

On Sunday at church at Fairview June spoke on “Tears”. A timely subject as this week I’ve experienced the full spectrum, or is that word used in colours? Linda and I helped with Communion. Mum and I went to Carol’s and Earl’s after church.

Got a call from Joan last evening. She has her sister Pat visiting her this week.

The air is heavily scented this morning with perfume of the Phlox. The bees are busy and causing the dew drops to plop down from the Himalayan Orchids. They are already out of hand but the backyard is just beautiful with them. The sun just fully reached me and it’s got heat in it this Sunday morning.

Gib has Florence home with him on the weekends. Hope you are doing okay.

I’m so behind here it isn’t even funny!

Me, I try to continue doing first things first. At times there are three or four first things? Always will be I guess. As Dr. Phil would say, “How’s that working for you?” By the looks of things, not well!

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Expositor Staff
Expositor Staff
Published online by The Manitoulin Expositor web staff