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Tehkummah Talk and Times


This is it, countdown week. With any luck I’ll be home on Thursday. Kim and Kathy (and their dog “Toulin”) dropped me at my destination around five (pm) today. I have an 8 o’clock appointment, Monday morning. I guess I had a bit of a nap. It was after 7:30 before I went for my supper. I wasn’t feeling the best over the weekend but hopefully…….  Here it is Tuesday, I’m just back from my therapy, countdown, two more days! In a way, the time has gone fast. Everyone is so kind and helpful, makes it much easier. Holding down the gosh darn water is the most difficult of this therapy. So far no accidents, but today was close!! Played some euchre last evening, first I’d played in ages, almost forgot how. So many face changes since I’ve been here, and besides, “I’ve looked at clouds from both sides now.” With these large windows I see a lot of sky and I’m still a kid at heart, finding creations of all kinds and creatures in the many different cloud formations (better scenery than the parking lot). Won a couple of prizes at bingo. “No Bells Today!” Well, I finally made the “walk.” If I hadn’t forgotten my pass and my money, I could have seen the show “A Beautiful Planet” or “Wildest Weather” at the Imax. I got to see the cruise boat, come in and go out again. I saw all sorts of neat flowers, loads of milk weed, with no chew holes in them, only one swallow tail butterfly, also, the “NO SEE-UMS” were nipping. Beautiful walkways, lots of necessary benches and a pretty scene except for the distraction of the highway traffic. Actually from that angle too saw the helicopter land on the hospital roof. (No wonder the rooms vibrate!) The danger of course is crossing the road, too far, and too hot, to go to the lights, but I took my life in my hands, no traffic, and “yikes”, lots! That’s city livin’ for ya! I’ll be glad to get back to my slow pace? What am I saying!!?

I woke up Wednesday morning singing the hopscotch polka, and it immediately brought to mind my call from friend Jean, who told me that Jim Mackenzie had passed away. He was an old school chum, and we all walked many miles together down the old Slash Road! He sang this song and played on the accordion usually for our Red Cross meetings. Sympathy to the family, he had an amazing sense of humour. 7:30 to 8am parking lot is busy everyone coming to work! Well, I had a couple of timbits and broken cookies so I took them out to Walter. The other Pat, who is here right now, named him. Hopefully it is a him? A quiet little chipmunk. I’m also doing laundry as I write. The easy way, of course. I do silly things like count the advertisements in magazines. The books should be free to us! Don’t those companies pay for space? Better Homes and Gardens (I may have missed a couple, had 59.5 ads in 168 pages, Chatelaine had 52 ads, in a 122 pages. What do you think?

I heard last weekend that Bob Blue was supposed to come home this past week, so I never even tried to check on him. I may have been able to catch him this time on and off therapy visit. Well good news, I got to ring the bells twice, downstairs and from the Lodge just as I was leaving to come home. That was a pretty good feeling. Got home to find everything pretty dry, hot weather eh! A most unusual summer I am sure. Most of my summer so far was in doors though, I’ve been making up for it just the few days here home. Taught Barb and Doug “20 come down” and “ oh crap”, the last night at the Daffodil Lodge. Saturday evening sitting here in the shade of the maple visiting with Marg (Reckahn), sis Susan, great grand Skylar, Cal phones. Soon I’m off to Sharlene’s fish and chips (South Baymouth). I had slept a couple of hours of the afternoon away. Friday evening the skirl of the bagpipes had Tara and I crossing the road to see the rest of the parade “NOT.” All we saw was Ross and David (the audience) young mister Eric Harper was killing time entertaining with bagpipes, mandolin and voice. Only a year or so on the pipes. He’s good! You just never know what can happen in Tehkummah!

Friday A.M., Cal and I went for brekky at Carol’s and Earl’s. My energy level seems low and a couple of other problems keep me close to home. I did go around to the fundraiser for Bob Blue, stayed about 15 minutes’ tops, had to keep moving on. Had a visit with Mum and Riley on Thursday evening. She made me an ice cream, cream soda float. It was yummy. We took in the market on Friday, lots of goodies, fresh vegies etc. available, a few tables missing from the usual. I met Kathleen; she had a lot of produce at her table. Mum had got a nice meal in one bag at Joan (Beard’s) table. Simon is recovering but has to take it easy for a bit. Trouble is we want to do, what we used to do but!!

It was great to see Bill Livingston and Beryl, he had to remind me who he was, also Jack Sargent (right spelling?) spoke to me. He had seen me at the cancer centre the day before? I was going a different direction.

We took in the yard sale at the museum grounds (South Baymouth) on Saturday morning. That’s a great place too, for visiting. BJ and Elizabeth, manning the bake table. Gary and Lorna the yard sale and the usual crew cooking and serving. “SBDCA” group and we had a good hamburger, Floyd selling tickets. Sherry went to Ian McCauley’s funeral on Friday at West Bay. Sorry to have missed the long distance relatives. My thoughts were with you all.

Euchre, ladies’, high, Melissa, 81; ladies lone, hands, Annette, 5; ladies’ low, Brenda, 51; men’s high, Don Bruder, 79; men’s lone hands, Dave James, 5; low, Marion Linka, 46.

Cribbage 8 tables. 1st place, Lori and Rick, 961; 2nd, Bert and Joy, 937; 3rd, Bill and Betty Jean, 930; low, Hugh and Lyla, 820; door, Lori, Graham, and Dorothy Allard.

Church at St. Andrews by the Sea. South Baymouth today communion, and an anniversary update by Loretta Mucha, more in the way of a thank you to all who had gone before and all good works to date, much music.

I didn’t go to the fireworks at Little Current tonight. Tara asked if I wanted to go. I do enjoy them though.

Gave my grandson Jacob a hug, and asked who he was? I hadn’t seen him since school got out. He’s been summering and visiting his aunt Shannon, with his grandparents, Susan and Gene Bebamash. My friend from Brechin area stopped in for an hour visit on Friday eve. Wayne stays in Providence Bay when he is on the Island.

Talking to Helen (Oswald) this morning. She says her party was great. They even built a platform and a dance floor and had lots of lights all around, in the barn! Lots of folks, friends attended. Even a surprise visit from Jane Johnson. How nice was that, Paul and Christina home etc, etc. The kids did a lot of work!


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