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Tehkummah Talk and Times


Last weekend when we were yard saling we met a sweet young lady named Amanda. The yard sale was near Sheguiandah. She was helping her grandmother. She told me she had lived in Michigan.

Niece Linda and Mackenzie came into the hall with Lori and held up bingo for one minute while we did hugs. They’re going home already on Wednesday. I didn’t get a visit in at all on Thursday. Pauline had an open-house potluck in honour of Pete, Leanne, Ava Jean and Leah. Those are darling and beautiful little girls. Susan, Simon, Mum and I (lots of photos taken again). I was so tired by the time I came home, fell asleep in my Lazy-girl chair. Missed the end of Murder She Wrote. Woke and saw a bit of America’s Got Talent. Couldn’t get out of the chair, at five-thirty am I got up and went to bed. Sherry woke me when she came in at nine. Took me to breakfast at The Garden Shed. After we had eaten, she mentioned her birthday this week. Much to my shame I’d forgotten (it was Wednesday August 6). I was thinking it was Friday for some reason. I think Dave was the only one who remembered! God bless (or help) her. Anyway, I got a free breakfast on her birthday. The girls, Laurie and Gail, brought out a delicious tart complete with birthday song and candle.

Kris, Ryan and Miles are headed home today. I gave hugs to all. They fished their way to the ferry. They sure had a damp weekend to holiday but they said it was fun! Saw a friendly fox at the camp, lots of bear sign and bear trouble at our camp; doing some damage so I hear!

A couple of weeks ago Cole was telling me about seeing the cougar, Lakeshore Road.

This story would have come out with the “cougar” issue of the paper if I had remembered to write about it!

Cole was in Sudbury on Saturday with his girlfriend.

Wednesday afternoon we had 6 1/2 tables at cribbage. Had new folks again, with Glen and Janet. Lots of good food again. Sandwiches, tarts and doughnuts; not a crumb by the time I got there!! High hand, (Lois’ daughter) Wendy, 21; first, Melissa and Patrysha, 952; second, Irene and Laura, 938; third, Cal and Gib, 927 (they got the exact same score last week); fourth, Del and Audrie, 915; low, Wendy and Lois, 881; door, Del, Betty Jean and Bill (McGregor). Thank you all for coming. A reminder, Wednesdays at 1:30 pm, the more the merrier!

Friday mornings visitors to my outside benches: Rhoda and Rob (Harkes) walked across from Ward’s Store for a visit, then Cal drove in and joined the group, neat Keith (Size) joined us all for a chat. We sat and enjoyed the morning, and each other. Nice. Susan (Ward) brought in another 50 lb. bag of sunflower seeds. Perhaps I shouldn’t be feeding them, but it is fun to watch the young finches fluttering, the parents feed them, even though they are bigger then the adults right now.

First thing I saw when we drove in around 1 am last evening was my van back in the yard. Thanks Gary. Pink phlox smell in the air, lovely. Pete, Leanne and the kids came in to say goodbye on Friday. Marg and Jim Reckahn landed in from Elliot Lake (next door).

So far, two days of good weather. That’s amazing. And more remarkable is this Country Fest lineup. What a pro-pro-fessional pro-duction (no, I wasn’t stuttering) and I woke up singing Josh Turner’s “Lone Black Train.” What an amazing video production. What a camera and technology. How impressive! All the entertainers so far have been fabulous. Carolyn Dawn Johnson’s “Don’t Let Me Die of a Broken Heart” too. Thought maybe swallowing (the bug) might have done it? Can’t wait to see what’s on today! Thursday, just Sherry, Dave and I travelled together. Friday, we picked up Kim and Kathy at the camp. They are first time Country Fest attendees, but I’ll bet they’re hooked now! I speak to so many folks, it’s hard to remember them all but, yesterday a young man came up to me and said I should remember him (Ian Williamson), cause he ate a thousand hamburgers during 1967-68 at my snack bar. (After the Saturday night dance of course), I’m writing this, coffee in hand (kind of) Saturday morning early. I just heard a deer trip over a stone down below? Squirrel’s squawking, milking machine at Anstice farm running, car on the new graveled (tarred) road, hummingbirds’ wings above, a crow in the distance, and small cheeps and chirps from the trees, and by golly it’s cold out here! I’ve got my “winter” housecoat on. I’ve yet to see the sun, but I do have muffins in the oven. Those Himalayan orchids may be weeds, but if so they are gorgeous and bird and bee alike sure love them. Nothing like the sounds and smells of morning!

Bobbi and Patrick (Tara’s friends) come each year for Country Fest. Oh dear, the daylight hours are shortening down, ten to eight sun just hit the top on my trees now! I’m getting more closed in all the time too! Gosh my Daylilies have been pretty this year. Thanks again Robert and Evelyn! I think of you as they bloom.

Sunday evening—I just was out looking at the huge full moon. Beautiful, nice night. Hey, a Country Fest first too—No Rain! K.T. must have pulled some strings this year. A few sunburns spotted, though. I love reading the logos on t-shirts. A couple noted “Save water, drink beer” and a Manitoulin map with “Rush Slowly” printed overtop. Sherry picked me up at noon for the last day. As Kevin Closs said, it took 25 years to hit a big stage on Manitoulin. He’s quite the storyteller with his songs and super easy listening. “The Lovelocks” were sure entertaining and super harmony. Great fireworks after the music on Saturday night. Pretty from where we watched (the amp theatre) from way back. I had trouble with my heart misbehaving (made me nauseous). The heavy drum beat and bass guitars seemed to affect me when it was loud. Lynn Hughson even gave me some earplugs, but they even bounced out of my ears! He and Norma gave up their chair/table so I could eat earlier, after I spilled my Indian taco juice down my front, before I had even taken one bite, (usually just slop when I eat!). I have to admit, I do like the old style entertainers best. I guess I’m “too old” for rocky stuff, though I do like some of the new songs.

Here I sit in the hot sun Monday morning round up. Gonna be a scorcher today!

Saturday morning Cal and I took in the Sparham family multi yard sale. Then down to Barney’s and a week early for Holmes. Anxious I guess? Sherry came across from Tara’s. She had gone in and helped herself to a coffee. I guess I will go with her. Kim and Kathy are installing a bed for Tavis and Alisha in Gore Bay today. I’ll finally get to see their place.

Ray had cooked a delicious roast beef dinner for the Country Fest folk last evening and I too lucked out once again.


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