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Tehkummah Talk & Times

I thought when I kind of came to I heard the sound of tires through water, I was so glad to see sprinkles coming down and puddles even. I slept good except for the leg and wrist/hand spasms, my first drive to Espanola in forever, that’s considered long distance now!

Nice to hear the tree toads talking. There’s an old fella that’s been around a long while, always seems to like the maple tree and hedge area. A toad left a calling card inside this week, is he my pet?

Had a cute little creature helping itself to Tara’s fish food, I think he was getting his winter supplies. Kind of like the one that Cleo crunched down beside my chair the one eve? 

Do you know we must have baby robins again? Thought they have been extremely low profile, there are lots of warning calls going out in my yard this week. They are a really busy family of birds. The carnivals are practicing their solos.

Wildlife sightings are skimpy, a porcupine on the road, still alive!

I guess the choke cherry jelly is ready already, according to Marg Case. She’s still working single handed!

I suppose I should get dressed and face the day. I hear Audrie Williamson is back in our area, Mindemoya Hospital, so I can double visit today! Tavis too. Had a visit with Brenda and Trevor Blue from London at the laundromat. A nice guy traded a good $10 for a bad one, and that was OK, the machine refused both of my big bills (course that’s all I got, ha! I met Tavis, he was coming out of the hospital, they allowed him a walk? So, we visited where the workers take their breaks. Ginger was putting Audrie through a mild exercise routine, “she did good!” Good to see her smiling face. I didn’t stay too long.

Now, of course, I’m in my chair writing. I need food, though, no wonder it’s after four and last feeding was breakfast. I could fade away! Oh, I did pop a tomato and a few peas when I checked the garden! Are hawberries ripe already?

On alternate days my naps have run into three-hour marathons, so when I woke Tuesday evening, I decided I needed a run (not literally) so drove down to the ferry dock and waited. It was in ahead of schedule as it was light, I’m guessing. Only 18 pieces, two motorcycles off and the thirteenth was unlucky I guess cause it got to stay on the lot because of some sort of engine? Trouble. Small loads but Tuesday? Anyway, the ship looks pretty in the night time and I got to see (twins?) two young ladies doing spins, dance, or figure skating moves on the road in front of Pierside. Very graceful. There’s always entertainment of some sort, usually it’s folks with their doggy bags?

Espanola sightings this past week: Chuck and Linda, Mary Balfe and the two lovely granddaughters (manicure time), Lindsay and her two children.

I’m drinking lemon honey tea this morning, may prevent a cold. I was stuffed up when I woke. The overnight fog was heavy in spots for driving, glad I didn’t have far to go.

I see the little humming birds looking in the window. I hope their feeder isn’t empty again. I guess they are at the clematis vine. In all the years I can’t say I’ve ever seen them at those flowers before.

It’s the time of year to start drying herbs and I’ve been gathering flower seeds (it’s a habit I can’t break). One bagfull went to the dump before I got them spread. I need an assistant with good legs (or to break the habit!)

Wednesday is always busy. I started the day by making a big pan of cinnamon raisin buns and finished it in the dark at Sandfield Hall peering at our cards in diffused (and finally out) light cell phones and various sizes flashlights were called into play. Emergency lights didn’t last too long. Added a bit of adventure to the night. Five- and three-quarter tables, a three-queen special won first game by Ken Pepper, he also won the 50/50; men’s high, Rick, 62 and seven lone hands; ladies’ high, Sandra, 50; three 9’s, $10, Eva. Could have been high scoring, but, it was called in six games “lack of light.”

We had eight full tables again for cribbage, I have to thank you all for your faithfulness to this game. Mom would be proud! Rod Pyette was an added guest today, from Port Elgin. Thank you, too, to all the cleaners and helpers and makers of good stuff etc! Two high hands, Dorothy A. and Peggy B., 24; first, Jay and Dorothy, 936; second, Glenda and Bev, 921; third, Shirley and Betty, 920; low, Rick and Lori, 864; door prizes, Shirley, Lori and Ruth McG. Thanks for my apple cake, BJ.

Thursday euchre, Tehkummah: men’s high, Rick, 81; men’s lone hands, Brad, 5; low, Peggy, 40; ladies’ high, Annette, 74; ladies’ lone hands, Pat (me), 5; ladies’ low, Rhonda, 50; 50/50, Dave James. Dorothy Cronk runs these euchres.

Thursday, I drove to Manitowaning to check out Knox rummage sale. Always a busy spot and good to visit (a bit) with those hard-working ladies. What a dedicated bunch. Nice to see some rain for the garden tonight.

Friday will be the last Market for 2019, though last week was one of the busiest.

Everything is so fall, doesn’t it seem early? Looks like lots of apples hanging on the trees. Summer is so brilliant.

This week’s Woman’s World magazine has a nice article on Tanya Tucker. We just saw her at Country Fest and I really liked her in person (also at Country Fest). Last Sunday Linda McNaughton gave me an article to read on the Hunter brothers from a farm magazine, The New Holland News. Family farming and festivals. Their acreage, 21,000 in Saskatchewan and fourth generation. They have a recent sponsorship with New Holland. It’s a great article, but, darn it, I have to return the book. They were amazing!

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Expositor Staff
Expositor Staff
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