Top 5 This Week

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Tehkummah Talk and Times

Monday is always busy. We got home from the camp fairly early Sunday evening but I was over tired, I guess. My whole body goes into quivering, which makes me nauseous and it doesn’t help with relaxation. I pretty well had my column done that evening.

I’ve since heard of the death of two fine ladies from Mindemoya, Marion Seabrook and Geraldine Henderson. Both very sweet personalities! Sympathy to family and friends.

I baked a birthday cake for Mum and Audrie to celebrate them, our two “senior members” of our Fairview Sr. U.C.W. We held our meeting at the hall. Lynda Garniss came all the way from Providence Bay bearing gifts. We signed cards and sang ‘Happy Birthday’ once again. We’ve been wearing out the birthday song lately. Then again today it will be sung at the Triangle Club Birthday Party. I left my van parked in front of Mum’s last evening. I thought all the snow that had fallen while we were at bingo might impede. Burt Case got stuck trying to leave and the road was deep, so rather than chance getting myself in a bind Tara and I walked home. I hope all had a safe trip!

Boy, it’s winter with a vengeance, already. My back is biting me this morning. It doesn’t take too kindly to most of the weather we’ve had this past year. Hey, less than a month until Christmas. I was thinking the deer hunters may be in the camp until Spring?

The birthday party was called off. I was all ready. Anyway, played cards with Mum, even though I was the champ, she did skunk me. I have to bring my van home anyway!

Re: St. Andrew’s by the Sea Church. The story was they fed about four hundred including their take-outs and volunteer workers.

Congratulations to Bert Bosje who won first in the money draw; second, Keith Campbell from Espanola, $300; and third, Rose Connell from Kagawong, $200.

There were three tables for cribbage. Mum made donuts. Glad to see Pat and Laura back again. We missed them. Talked to Betty Jean today and she says Bill is recovering well from his surgery. We missed them too! Three high hands, Cal, Janet and Margaret, 17; first, Mum (Jean) and Mary, 934; second, Cal and I, 917; third, Janet and Glenn, 905; low, Margaret and Lois, 855; door, Janet.

Boy it makes one wonder if the snow will ever stop falling.

Thanks for Poppy’s nice straw bed and the “hold it in” board! She appreciates it! As the week progressed, the house got cozier looking. Thanks for the straw Carol!

Well, I guess they could have had euchre as the night wasn’t as bad as threatened. Sunshine this Friday morning. Julia was in this morning on her way to visit her mom Nora at Little Current. Kim was in earlier. Nice day here anyway for travelling home.

I guess the camp filled their tags. Ray got his, Sherry (I think) got the big one.

The weather has activated Cal’s shingles again and it is not treating his bones too kindly either. He wasn’t feeling well on Sunday at all!

Kim and Hank stopped in on Friday morning fairly early. They had filled all their tags. Sherry got the biggest sized buck (8 points), Kim got an 8-pointer and a 6-pointer. Ray got a doe. So the camp did well (did I get them right?). Jase won the Big Buck Contest. I didn’t hear tell of too many deer being shot around here (did hear shooting).

Half past five Monday morning—the pouring rain was keeping me awake, so I thought I may as well be up writing. So with a blankie over my knees and my little fireplace blowing warm, here I sit and write. The snow seems to be “melting” away.

We celebrated Mum’s birthday well. After church we went to Susan and Simon’s where soups made by Susan and Pauline were served for lunch. There were lots of cold meats, crackers and cheese and desserts. We did cards in the afternoon (after visiting), playing ‘Cribbage’ and ‘Oh Crap.’ We had two separate tables. After Susan went and did chores while Simon and Wayne went to Mindemoya to pick up our delicious Chinese dinner from the Roosterant. After Mum’s gift opening, a pretty birthday cake was presented along with the birthday song. Most everyone was too full and had their cake after some games of “Oh Crap” or took it with them when they went home. The card games were fun. I was doing well until the last two, when Pauline beat me by two points. We had four games of cribbage after Pauline and Wayne went home. Simon and I were defeated three to one by Susan and Mum. Chris as a spectator for part of these. Martin and Lynda, Sherry and Dave left earlier. Mum enjoyed her party very much. She had already been receiving gifts in the mail and in advance and many beautiful “touching” cards. Cute too! Mum and I delivered cards in to Carol Smith after church. Her birthday is the 24th and Liz Stillwaugh’s is on the 25th.

Happy anniversary to Paul and Barb this week.

Talking to Lori this week and she and Rick are into their winter “curling” schedule.

Thank you sis Susan for continuing to open your doors for our family gatherings.


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Expositor Staff
Expositor Staff
Published online by The Manitoulin Expositor web staff