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Tehkummah Talk and Times


Cal thinks I’m losing it. It is possible, but—lately stuff—like written stuff, keeps appearing on the top of my pile of papers, like poems, from way back or letters. Is someone trying to tell me something? Probably to get my affairs in order. Today on the “TOP” are guests at our Remembrance Day celebrations at the Hall from 1991 and 1993, plus the organizational meeting of the Triangle Club from December 1982. Tears fell as I read the lists of names. Very few still with us (except for those in spirit) today.

On Tuesday afternoon once again the Islanders set up and played for our birthday party. We had a couple of games, and a small bit more music. Mum too, sang “Wreck of the Old #9.” Lunch was served. We sang “Happy Birthday” to Elizabeth Ahlborn. The birthday cake was baked by Bev. Thank you to all who make this special. Kim and Kathy stopped in around noon on their way back to Clarksburg. His birthday was the 23rd. I tried to convince them to stay and he could sing for us too.

Golly guys, I must have gotten up on the wrong side, feeling wronged and unnecessary, unappreciated, and unloved, and therefore unacceptable. I guess it was a bad day in Ottawa too. My problems minimal, obviously. Anyway, I’m sorry, but what’s done is done!

Cribbage games are still as usual on Wednesdays at 1:30 pm. Five high hands of 20, Mum; first, Dorothy and Eugene, 950; second, Janet and Glenn, 939; third, Bert and Joy, 919; low, Mum and Mary, 858; door, wooden heart, Bert. (Lost my list?)

Why don’t we see Northern Lights anymore? Is it because I don’t look? Am I not out at night?

This week Ray is off on the moose hunt. I’ll oil up the frying pan? Come to think of it, have they ever gotten one? The frying moose smell has never been in my house! Had a roast on Thursday though.

Mum received a letter from Bev Hyde. She was worried and I guess rightly so. She had been down with a bad bug. Said she was surprised by a visit from Methners!

Thursday—From day to day one never knows what gifts are coming to your door. This morning Dick and Eunice Bowerman are delivering pails of sand with salt for the seniors. Getting us ready for winter’s icy gifts. What a lovely, thoughtful thing to do.

Cathy and Ameal stopped for a little roadside visit in the sun. They are doing well.

Sis Susan called and invited me for a steak supper.

Well, we got in the door at midnight. What a lovely evening at Pauline and Wayne’s. Their son Steve was there for the delicious meal. Afterwards we had a game of “Oh Crap.” Words or similar heard often. Simon was the champ. Later Simon and I took on Mum and Susan in cribbage. They were the winners.

Dorothy brought the euchre scores to me on Saturday. We sat in the sun and the wild wind and visited. Ladies’ high, Ruth, 77; ladies’ lone hands, Sheila, 3; ladies’ low, Rhonda, 59; men’s high, Graham; men’s lone hands, Dave Nelder, 3; men’s low, tied, Pat and John Novak, 61.

Kathy Size came bearing a gift—wonderful homemade Christmas cake. She makes a huge one each year she says. Thank you so much! Mmm… They were at Carol’s and Earl’s last evening for their supper. I was there with Cal and Cole, and then Betty Jean joined us later. Stan and Jeanette were there too.

I had a good yard sale and found lots of stuff to add to my collection of gathering for our Sr. U.C.W. Tea this Saturday, November 1 at 2 pm.

I met a sweet little girl named Etti and her Mom Saturday. I’ve already forgotten her parents’ names.

I talked to Derek from Mackenzie, B.C. He said he couldn’t go to work. First there was mud/rain, then a foot of snow (Friday I think).

After church on Sunday there were just Borden, Joan, Mum, Bert (Elaine was under the weather), Lynda and Martin. Glad to have him back again. The sermon was based on the events of the past week and the paths we are on.

When I got back to the apartments, Dorothy Cronk was sitting outside. She was waiting for a call from her daughter on the East Coast who has viral meningitis. Distance makes the worry worse.

The clean-up crew of Robert and Daisy, Jeneen and Reuben, were disposing of long grass and fallen leaves at the hall yard. Thank you very much for all you do.

Mum said there was a good crowd for the music on Saturday afternoon. Ben said the music was good!

Joan is going on Monday for a test on her heart. Sis Susan is going for surgery too. Seems to be lots of testing going on lately for one thing or another for local folk. So do take care everyone! Have a good week!

Thanks to Barb and Patsy who cheerfully fax this out each week.

Congratulations to all newly elected or re-elected!


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