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Tehkummah Talk and Times March 19

We often get lost on this road of life
Because we haven’t got a GPS to guide
Or stars in their alignment
To take us on this ride
The traffic could be heavy,
Maybe get a flat or two
Run out of “Gas” as time does pass
Rain showers block our view
A doctor causes us to lose
The roads we travel on.
Or when we have a breakdown
We think all hope is gone
Refill the tank, recalculate
Slow down, check map or star
And see where Jesus takes us.
While we find out who we are
You’ll overcome the roadblocks
And go that extra mile
Climbed from depths to mountain top
Just to find your sunny smile
There are more good routes to happiness
Ahead of us you know
Maybe we need to turn around
Or take a different road
There’s beauty in this life of ours
We will find when dark is gone
A ray of light shines through the fog
To a perfect peace filled dawn
March 15/14, Pat Hall


“What a friend we have in Jesus”

“How great though art”- Our church echoed these hymns this past Sunday. How touching these favourites are. It’s not that we don’t have the greatest singers, but we do, and do they ever raise their voices in praise. Lately music has been talking to the very soul of me. Must be the long, draggy winter. The birds this Tuesday morning are talking spring in the sunshine, and do I hope they are right. The deer are back, in the back yard again. This AM I’m writing more cards and notes. And I should be doing some clean up instead. I’ve been going through thousands of photographs I have taken, probably no one but me will ever see them, if you know what I mean. Rummy was wearing a sombrero on Sunday in church, looked cute too. Our Minister had a nice “Toronto Maple Leaf” Serape, or poncho or stole, also from Mexico, neat. Pat Novak was our fill in organist.

Happy Birthday last Thursday to Coral Collins. Happy, Happy, Happy Spring I hope!!! Helens cheery voice on the phone this Monday morning to wish me “Happy St. Paddy’s” and tell me she’s a great grandma again. A little girl called Reese Mary born a week ago to Jesse and Lacey- Congrats to all!

Well tonight my ankle is really hurting and my neck doesn’t feel so good, but if you had been in the backyard this afternoon you would have got some excellent footage for “The Worlds Funniest Video!” All I can say is, it was lucky that Tara and Jacob were home to pull me out, first I fell off the trail, made it to the bird feeder awkwardly, then on the way back, tried to get back on it, and a foot went each side and there was I, on my back, wallowing like a beached whale. It took the two of them to get me up as my feet didn’t reach bottom, then after, Tara fell through but she’s a little more agile than I. Lucky I wasn’t “Home Alone” if you know what I mean, of course laughing doesn’t help when you’re down. And the snow was melting while I was floundering, glad to get inside and into dry pants!?

I see the backyard grew a snowman family overnight. Or was it a snow woman and a couple of kids? Here it is Saturday, and I’ve hardly been out of the house for three days except to feed the birds and Poppy. My neck has been bothering me since my flounder episode. Oh well, just one more thing to add to my “life’s” experiences.

‘Scuse the mixed up writing of this column. This is deadline day again and I have space left on this page. Top of the day to you all (late). Today is my 60th wedding anniversary. Best wishes to all who have an easy date to remember.

I called Cal to wish him well and Happy St. Paddy’s Day. Rick and Cal are off for his needle in the eye today. Mollie called this AM. Things are pretty well in her world. She caught me in the tub so lucky I don’t have phone a vision. Cal took me to supper last evening, quite a few folk there with the same idea. Mike and Pattie have such a nice family. Just remembered all the cats are out, but they are on the sunny side of the house.

Well the Cardinal’s beautiful voice is brightening up this sunshiny morning, even though there is a chill in the air, and didn’t I see a Murder of Crows this morning and what a Murder it was!

Elaine is back at work after a week off for medical reasons.

I wished Happy New Year to Al Ryan today! I’m not sure if I’ve seen him this year yet! Well we all won a game. The smell of skunk was in the air, frequently! Wasn’t I the big winner? Cole, Cal and I. I know I was at Mum’s too! (We just don’t talk about her wins! Dorothy comes over to play too at Mum’s!)

Well the girls want cribbage to start so I guess it’s about time eh? So April second, at one thirty pm is the official start, all are welcome to the Tehkummah Hall (We do have fun). Wednesday we held our Sr.U.C.W meeting at Reta Vanhorn’s home. She makes this most delicious cold pizza, and had Angel Food Cake for dessert. Yummy! Our group is small right now, folk away. Noreen, hope you are well, we’re missing you! But we only have nine paid members, sometimes ten at the best of times. Reta had a real pineapple growing in her house. Tropical. It was good to see Audrie out and about. She had a two week bout with the flu bug! Cold?

Cal was down a couple of days with the bug as well. Then Cole got it. I’ve trying to stay clear. This weekend, Sunday, our after church potluck at the Hall March 23. All are welcome. Starts about 1 pm.

Cal calls this Saturday morning with the news that Doug McDermid has passed away. Boy that sure was close behind his brother Jack. Sympathy to all the families connected. God Bless.

Well darn it the weather is still darned cold at least the sun is shining, well it is “SUN”day. A very full church at St. Andrews by the Sea. Fran and her grown up family, spending some holiday break with Robert, and Brown families. Give it away, Money, things, we are such a too much or too little world. Mary Yett and Rosie just returned from Cuba and a permaculture experience. Sounds intriguing. Apparently a more equal style of living there. I guess we will hear about it this weekend. Quillan was wearing a Cuban straw fedora-sharp. Beautiful hymns and singers too today. Lunch at Carol’s and Earl’s, a full table today, Lynda and Martin, Mary, Rosie, Justin, Quillan, Pauline, Wayne, Simon, Mum and I. Susan has been battling a cold, so many folks ill these days. Get well soon all. They’ve had lots of company- Paula, Sean, Brandon, Jeff, Megan, Brooke, and Joanne. They visited Mum too.


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Expositor Staff
Expositor Staff
Published online by The Manitoulin Expositor web staff