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Tehkummah Talk and Times


I see the crow escorting the vulture over the property! I’m on my way home from Ward’s, who kindly fax my news column when the municipal office is closed (Monday).

Susan and Ross were up to Marguerite Little’s memorial service on Sunday afternoon. She said Elizabeth Ann gave a eulogy. Sorry to have missed the service.  Well, I got all beautiful to travel with Sherry to Burt Case’s funeral and at the last moment (I even had my purse in the car), I had to stay home. I just couldn’t go. I changed into a nightgown, hit the Lazy-Girl chair and slept until 2:30 pm. A much safer bet! I was sorry to miss seeing everyone and personally offering my sympathy. I hear the family eulogies were wonderful. Later talked to Dorothy, who said she had a bug that day as well.

This morning (Wednesday) I’m up and at it again. Made Brenda muffins (Ray got a couple of hot ones) and made a gingerbread for our cribbage today.

I microwaved my coffee this morning to find a nice fly floating on top. I decided not to try it. I didn’t think the added flavour would be right.

Wednesday was busy, we had eight tables for cribbage, the best crowd in a while, and that made for a delish lunch, too. Thanks for K.P. clean-up crew, so appreciated: Ruth and Bill McGregor made it this week to be acknowledged as part of the high average scorers (from last week), 933; high hand, Shirley, 24; first place, Cal and I, 954; second, Beverly and Glenda, 941; third, Anne and Hart, 930; low, Hugh x2; door, Shirley, Ruth McD. And Marg C.

Sandfield had a nice full house too: ladies’ high, Marg A.; men’s high, Gordon; most lone hands, Aline and Ted (shared); men’s low, Sandra H.; ladies’ low, Sharon M., 43; Dave J., $10 for three nines; Dave Mackey, 50/50.

Gary called early Thursday to say he had time to retire me! He got a F.R. call shortly after I got there. Left a nice young fella in charge. I had a nice visit with Barb McMurray. Also, Pat Brown, too, when she called in to the store. She/they/her family had brought Bob’s ashes to the Island. The family stayed at a cottage in Michael’s Bay. After I stopped for lunch at the Garden Shed, work improvements still going on there. I had two excellent waitresses today, got down to see Derek’s hole. John is digging it out for him. Tristan came to the Island last week and is helping with learning construction, too. That’s the update on Sunsite.

Corrine and her friend Nora drove up from Sarnia on Monday. They took in the euchre at Tehkummah on Thursday evening. Regular euchre, Thursday: ladies’ high, Bethany, 75; ladies’ lone hands, Rose, 2 (won on a cut); men’s high, Ruth McD., 70; men’s lone hands, Joe, (won on a cut); ladies’ low, tied, 53, Barb and Laurene; men’s low, tied, 51, Wayne and Dave J.; door, Annette. Regular euchre, Thursday, July 11, 7:30 pm.

Saturday evening 7 pm to 9 pm come one, come all. The strawberry social, our annual fundraiser for Tehkummah Fairview Church hosted by Fairview Sr. U.C.W.

In resting mode Friday afternoon! Not too long home from the market. A lot of folks today! Much socializing and that is nice. I saved my piece of pie till I got home,  but was treated to a date square from Cal and a cup of coffee from Jean Brown and a little visit, as well. Some vendors are away, but we have some lovely new additions this season, as well as the popular regulars. I had met Jean a few years ago, and of course I remembered her because of the nice words she had written to Elaine McGauley with a note to me as well. Elaine gave me a copy, which is in my treasured collection of keepsakes (19 years ago).

Heard on Saturday morning of the death of Dot Watson. Thinking of the family in their loss, so soon after Andy. Both Dot and Andy were faithful hardworking members of our Fairview Church. Community spirited people, generous leaders, wonderful examples!

I had made my breakfast when Sherry came along with the invite to lunch with Tara, too. She had collected some goldfish from Tara. Took them home, gave me time to get moving. We went to Carol’s and Earl’s, Sherry shared her sandwich with me. Larry and Shelly left before our bill was ready, got out while the getting was good! We went looking today. Got to visit with Brenda and José and met Jane Woodbury, resident artist. Their place has some beautiful creative treasures and wonderful artwork. Of course, we reminisced, good memories.

Where the sweet grass grows! 

Sherry and Tara brought me home. Then they went back to South Baymouth to review the other spots.

Sunday afternoon is a “bigger money” Bingo at the Hall.

Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Jamie Pennie who were married at Fairview on Saturday afternoon.

Walking in to our Fairview Church today. There are hundreds of baby grasshoppers marching ahead of me. I’m thinking a grasshopper plague. The first reading today. We have nothing to fear! We all have a fear? Of the future. Martin’s three songs on the guitar today told of the way some of the song writers perceived our future. Finishing with ‘Farther Along,’ We’ll know all about it.

Congregation assisting on this on Doris Day’s ‘Whatever will be will be’ (‘Que Sera Sera’). A few of us went to Carol’s and Earl’s for lunch after. Nora and Corrine took me with them, Mary Yett and Anne and Hart Koops. I saw the McLennan brothers, there’s quite an age gap. One of them was Jack Benny’s age!

The Skippens skipped their town to check out South Baymouth Sunday afternoon.

Saturday dreams on Sunday are told? Sometimes you meet the nicest people “in your dreams.” My dreams are always convoluted. Anyway, I realize after it had been bingo night, but they were ready to play euchre. I got this nice lady for a partner, somehow, after I had spilled a pocket full of hawberries in the sand and I needed something to put it in. This nice man gave me his new fishing creel? I was so overwhelmed that I gave it right back, saying, “I can’t take this.” But I hurt his feelings. That troubled me. I somehow got a small box with no lid. I had to stop writing, really, to chase something noisy outside (really) at 4 am! In the meantime, I stopped to help someone else pick up some lost items. By the time I got back most of my stuff was gone and all the people there. Oh, yeah, I still took my euchre partner home to Manitowaning! Thanks folks! Whoever you were!?


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