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Tehkummah Talk and Times

The Connection

The past connects us like a bridge.

The water’s flow cannot be stemmed.

The tides of change continue on,

Will we remember? Think of them.

The pain of pasts clearly define.

The paths we travel on alone

Like pebbles on a gravelled walk

Or tripping on a faceless stone.

The clenching of my heart still tells

Of days already lost.

Can’t seem to shake the thoughts, but yet

With time we’ve met the painful cost.

The aging frame, the wrinkled brow.

The essence here of life still glows.

Perhaps expanding in our hearts

As memory softer grows.

—P. Hall (2011)

Well, my daughter says there is a rest room. I quickly go in, I guess, yes, she steered me wrong. I was in the men’s? This was at the hospital. I was to see Dr. Shukla, the technician who did the echo was Jamie, from England, married to a Sudbury girl. Nice and handsome young man. My parts are wearing out, but I knew that a long time ago! There’s no guarantee.  No, I got in a good half hour early, too. We went to King’s Buffet for lunch. Saw my Windfall Lake friends there, and we saw Joey, Laura Lynn and Jenny Case, Sherry’s neighbours at Walmart. Sis Susan was spotted there, as well, but not by me. I heard she almost got a birthday pie?

While at the registration office, I saw a crow fly into the nest outside the window (third floor) and feed the babies, eye level pretty well. Waiting for Sherry to pick me up after the incident. There were two pigeon nests, one on each side of a chimney type part of the hospital. One nesting quietly. The other had a mama on nest, and just while I was waiting dad flew in six times with food and fed the babies under mama (good Father’s Day representation). A huge turtle planning to cross two double lanes of highway, a snapper. Two deer caused a school bus in front of us to brake in downtown Sheguiandah on our way over. A hawk took a small rabbit. Lots of hawks this year!

I don’t think I was home a half an hour till I was in bed. Called Sherry to tell her my car keys are in my jacket pocket in her car still (my car windows down). Oh well!

Billy Moore gave me the book Sunday after Bluegrass in the Country show was over. I had finished it by 5 pm on Monday. What a story! Well put together. Everybody should read ‘Pathway of Hope.’ Susan Korpola – did I remember the spelling? Stopped in this Wednesday morning to get one of my books autographed. What a lovely person. She certainly knows the things to say that touch. She says she is an artist, and I will have to see her work! Is there ever a day without its blessings?

Talked to Pauline this morning. She said there was a nice bunch for the U.C.W. meeting at Betty Russell’s on Tuesday. I was sorry I missed it.

Thursday morning, three phone calls in a row. One hour and a half’s worth.

Mollie’s call from Winnipeg always a long one. We usually read poems we have written, too. Sherry and Lorna giving live gifts! Everyone is so good to me. Derek came along before our cribbage was over and visited, then he and I went to Carol’s and Earl’s for supper. He was barely leaving, and I, too, was off to Sandfield. I “fitted” right in as they were one shy. Lots of laughs, lots of fun (June 12). Dorothy and Betty Jean shared ladies’ high with 79; men’s high, Dave James, 85?; lone hand Dave Macke, 7; Brad ended up $10 richer with the last three nines of the evening. That seems to be fun and appealing to everyone (four tables).

Cribbage, five tables, June 12: high hand, Cal, 23; first, Gib and Florence, 941; second, Bobby Jo and Peggy, 938; third, Bill McG. And Sheila, 928; low, Noreen and Glenda, 829; door, Florence, Brad and Betty Jean.

Susan Ward said her Mom was to the Island Tuesday on a bus trip. They caught the ferry (a nice smooth ride), had a nice dinner on the boat and back home again.

I saw the busy Bonnie and Doug at the store Thursday; they have added cuteness to the petting zoo. You will have to check it out! (I saw the picture.)

Pauline was in for a visit this morning, or was it after morning? She got me up. 

My poor partners at euchre, I think we/ I got four ones. But I was on the happy side of a skunk. I got to move. Ladies’ high, Peggy, 74; ladies’ lones, Dorothy, 2; ladies’ low, me, 42; men’s high, Wayne M., 73; lane hands, Dave N., 4; Dennis and Rick shared men’s low, 53; door prize, Dennis.

A lot of fun. Apparently, my pen misdirected folks last week. Sorry! This week actual tournament, Thursday, 7:30 pm, June 20.

Coffee time Wednesday mornings at the library are always interesting and fun. Poetry reading, songs, sometimes!

For two weeks in a row they have had product demonstrations. Last week Tupperware (I even won a gift for being the oldest there). Baked a cake, made salsa.

The week prior to that Holly had a showing of her hair and body products. We all got samples to take home.

June 28th market starts at the Hall, and there will be no coffee at the library this summer.

9:30 pm Sunday. I’m in bed already. Derek and Jodi left earlier. Sherry and Dave when I did. We had Father’s Day supper at Tara and Ray’s. (Ray did some of the making.) He brought Skylar home from work just in time. Hot and cold beef and chicken, great food. Strange, since Jodi has been here almost a month already, I hadn’t seen her, but twice today. She and Sis Colleen brought her dad, Don, to the B.B.Q. (Father’s Day) and music at Budd Park. A mustachioed young entertainer stole the show there from her dad, Patrick, Val, Lori, George and his friend (Ken?), great music. Successful event, great social event, burgers, hotdogs, beans and Father’s Day cake. A few blackflies and skeeters, uninvited. Saw Liz Geer after her last October liver transplant. She feels better than ever. Isn’t that great!

Last night (Saturday) a nice crowd for the Triangle Club fundraiser. Our famous Islanders, Lyle, George, Gordie, Harold, Peter and Norm. This is the greatest bunch of guys. They invited Morley Runnalls and Melody Hore up to sing. Made for a great evening.

We even had dancers livening up the scene. Sis Susan had her granddaughter Brooke with her. She could be a great drummer. I introduced her to the “spoons.” She was using plastic ones on Sunday!

Roxanna called me to say she had set up a book display of Island authors in Providence Bay Centre. I thought that sounded quite interesting, especially as one of my books was there. So, if you stop for an ice cream check them out.

Sorry to read of Blair Sullivan’s death in last week’s Expositor, sympathy.

I have to go back to Saturday night’s music. George and his sister Betty’s beautiful blending of voices on their famous “Lightning Express.” These two should have (maybe they do?) their own recordings! You’d go a long way to find any better music. Sherry had a bear performing ups and downs for her in Scott’s Field. Dave saw one near here last week, too. June is bear month! A new fawn, too, he says. Deer sightings do seem scarce.

Ray gave us all some of his lovely shiitake mushrooms; look like they are producing well.

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Expositor Staff
Expositor Staff
Published online by The Manitoulin Expositor web staff