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Tehkummah Talk and Times


The most vital time to relax is when you don’t have time for it! Write anything, a few words, a thought, a poem, a letter. These two thoughts were taken from the book ‘1000 paths to tranquility.’

So, there we go again, “Early Deadline.” It has been a short week. We cancelled our U.C.W. Valentine lunch out on Tuesday. We cancelled our cribbage on Wednesday. We did have bingo Monday night and I won a few for a change. Of course, I was sitting back to back with Sunday’s “Big Winner Beth.” And I think some of her luck came my way. Dennis White won the 50/50 that day too.

Outside of watching birds and watching snow fall and watching my neighbours try to figure out where to put it all, my life has been reasonably quiet this week until today, when Tara dropped me off at Mindemoya Municipal Office on her way to work. This was Senior Driver’s Test day, for the after 80s. A dozen folks, some I knew. Our instructor Diane was so lucky to be serenaded by us as we all sang “Happy Birthday” to her. I guess she appreciates talent, as we all passed our test.

I was lucky to hitch a ride home with Walter and Stan (Manitowaning), just a slight detour, “thanks a lot.” I was starved as I hadn’t had my breakfast. Toast and cottage cheese and hurry to the hall for bid euchre. They needed me. Laurene and Dave came in later! Dorothy was looking after euchre today. Lyle Gordon came in to the hall to talk to Dorothy and I found out that Kay Gordon had passed away Wednesday evening. Sympathy to the Gordon Boys and the family in their loss. Long time Tehkummah residents, I heard, Dick and Eunice Bowerman had a close call. Their encounter with the snowplow in the blizzard last week! The angels were with you.

I got a nice note from Pat Falter today, Herrman is doing better, thank goodness. She made note of our minor snowfall! One of Herrman’s nieces who live in the Austrian Alps have 10 feet of snow and no place to put it! Maybe we aren’t so bad off after all.

Hey, I forgot the bid euchre results: first, Brad, 225; second, Dorothy, 222; third, Doris, 216; low, Hugh, 86; 50/50, Brad; Valentine draws, Pat Hall, Brad Parkinson, Dave James. We sang “Happy Birthday” to Betty Jean. We had two bid euchre tables and the two-person table, the cribbage board worked well. (We get a sit out score, euchre.)

Stan had his dog Cookie cremated. Laurene recently had her cat Ripley done as well. No matter how long you have your pet/friend, it’s always so sad to lose them.

Our neighbour Klaus has been having some health issues.

A long phone call from Mollie in Winnipeg and a phone chat with Ron and Justeen Anstice, snow bound next door.

Sherry and Dave had their valentine’s dinner at Green Acres (100s of little birds braving the storm Friday).

Why on earth am I thinking of dance wax (remember that?) the darnest things come to mind these days (cabin fever?).

Hope all got their “hearts” wish on Valentine’s Day.

God Bless.


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