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Tehkummah Talk and Times


A call from Kim on Tuesday night, he says they have bare ground to look at in Clarksburg?

Susan, Mum and I had a game or two of cribbage Monday afternoon.

Kim said he called in on his cousin Steve Martin this week in the Creemore area.

I waited for my Meals on Wheels with Mum. We played five games of cribbage, I won three, one was an almost double skunk! This was after cribbage at the hall. Dorothy put on the coffee and tea, as well as set up again. Thanks.

High hand, Bert and I tied, 24; first, Cal and I, 924; second, Ted and Dorothy, 919; third, Laura and Pat, 918; low, Bert and Joy, 872; door, Cal and Jim.

Sad to hear of Jean Case’s very unfortunate accident. This will be an awful slow down for this busy girl. Thinking of you. Jackie Bryant too, suffered a fall with bad results. That’s why she missed our Trivia team. I’ve been giving my neighbours credit for shoveling my path out, but today caught in action, my neighbour David to the south of me. How nice!

Phone call from Joan and Gus this week inquiring about my health and from Barb too. So far I’m doing fine. A lovely long letter from Jane Johnson (in Northern Ireland), gave me an update on her last five years. Nice surprise, Mary (J) has been down with a bad bug.

A milder night, clear with the most beautiful stars. Did anyone get to check on the five planets in alighnment?

We could have had lots of venison tonight, saw 9 in five different places on the road from Carol’s and Earl’s. Doug, Marion and Rick were dining out.

Marion was picking up the cheque (minus a quarter?) or was she?

The back yard is filled with animal tracks, dogs, cats, deer, partridge and thousand? Birds all colours of the rainbow.

Linda, I just found out this week who left the cat food for me. Thank you, my cats say good! The sisters (I guess) were away on a tropical holiday.

Mary (O) and Sharon (C) were working this weekend at the store. Ross and Susan away for another “Music” Show.

Family, Food, Fun. Why do those same three words describe us when we get together? Wayne and Pauline dropped Mum and I off tonight after a game of Tiki. Two games actually, Wayne won the second, Pauline won the first. We had all gone to “The Roosterant” in Mindemoya for the delicious Chinese dinner. Susan and Simon picked Mum and I up about four thirty. I had been home just long enough for a bit of a nap after church, and we, Susan and I, went to Carol’s and Earl’s while the St. Andrews congregation held their annual board meeting (at the church). I am so impressed with the “Lets Talk” on T.V. It’s great that all that was kept hidden, not talked about, can be brought to light, anyone who has suffered depression knows how challenging it is to deal with.

Black History Month, National Cup Cake Month, Heart Month and then dearer to the heart Valentine’s Day. The Valentine’s Tea is February 13th at 2 pm. Valentine Dinner and dance on February 6th at the Hall too.

It is also a leap year, so you gals can propose to your sweeties. If they refuse you, they have to buy you a silk dress you know. So pick an expensive one, it might be cheaper in the long run.

Happy Valentine’s Day to sweethearts and family and friends, everywhere! Don’t forget the flowers and chocolate!


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