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Tehkummah Talk and Times

I forgot to mention in last week’s column about the death of Russell Moody. Cal had called me with the news. Sympathy to the family. My first ride on a motorcycle many years ago was with Russell.

Also, I guess before my column had gone out Diane had a new granddaughter. A nice large girl weighing 8 lbs. 15 oz. Her name is Victoria. So welcome little one to Tehkummah. Congrats Amanda and family!

I missed “tea time” last Wednesday at Kathy Hill’s home, so even though I didn’t make it, I got the favour and the flavour! She froze me some of the special treats! Delish!

I was talking to Laurene this morning. Wayne is back in the hospital. Thinking of you.

I just baked a boiled raising cake and made a large pot of scalloped potatoes and macaroni (layered) to take to Sherry and Dave’s. My grandson, Kristopher, is there on his way to the west with his dog, Tyson. He’s travelling lock, stock and barrel. I stayed with Sherry and Dave and visited relatives (two nights) here. My neighbours just got home. Skylar ran over and gave me a hug! Quite an experience for her, but she’s feeling well. Thank goodness! I’m sure Tara and Ray are glad to be home again.

Five after midnight: I guess we were later at Sherry and Dave’s than I realized. Tara and Sherry competed with Kris and I in crib. They were the superior team. It was a nice evening. Kim and Kathy called (missing their boy already?).

At cribbage on Wednesday we had five and a half tables, and lots of fun. Jean (Mum) and Mary, high, 932; Lori and Rick, second, 930; Ruth and Dorothy, third, 924; low, Pat and Laura, 845. There were two high hands of 24: Florence and Dorothy. Door prize, Pat (me) and Melissa. Hey Ted! How are you doing? We miss you! As always, lunch was great! Gib said he won the men’s high at euchre with 81.

My days are adventuresome. My days are busy. My days are interesting. Home a bit ago, it’s now 11 and I’m in bed writing this. Susan just brought Mum and I home!

Mollie called about 12:30 pm and said they were at Mum’s and going for lunch. So off to Carol’s and Earl’s. Back to Mum’s for a few games of cribbage. Susan phoned from Whitefish Falls and said they will meet us at Green Acres. They had taken Owen and Jaxon to meet their Mom and Dad. So there is our next meeting spot. Mollie and John headed Elliot Lake way. We head home too! After they got the chores done, we had six close games of cribbage. Mum and Susan finally got the winning game! Much laughter.

At Green Acres I met Marion Barnett. We had met at a painting class in South Baymouth that was taught by Ivan Harwood. She was asking about you, Ivan! Also met another friend who asked why and how we had missed the Knox Mystery Dinner Show? I can blame so much on old age now! A quick visit with Elaine this week. Debbie and Alexis were with her.

Friday afternoon Cal shared a bite of lunch with me. That evening we went to Carol’s and Earl’s. He won at cards.

Friday morning my friend Wayne Bruchholder called in for a short visit. He’s visiting friends in Providence Bay and points as he travelled home to Orillia area via the Chi-Cheemaun. He keeps up with me by reading my column. Who doesn’t?

Well, the harvest moon is doing its thing. So beautiful, so orangey and large. And the birds are into what’s left over from the harvesting of the grain across from Gordon’s. Looked like a good crop. Everyone says tomatoes are slow ripening?

If you think all I do is eat, you are right! Went to Carol’s and Earl’s twice yesterday. After church, of course, our sermon on trying to find the silence in today’s busy world? I, of course, find it here in my outside spot, where I sit and write. Yes, I am aware (sort of) of traffic as it goes by, but also aware of the Sandhill cranes’ call in Anstice’s field, or the buzz of the bee, the splash of the pond pump, the looking at the green and the flowers. There is a silence, or perhaps a peace found in the soothing sounds of our world too. Lunch with Mary, Justin and Quillan. Cards with Mum. She beat me two of three. Later eating with Cal and Gib and Florence. More cards again. In the past two days I’ve played 18 or 19 games of cribbage. Florence and I did well again, beating the guys 4 to 3. Four straight, before they got the hang of it! Close games and fun!

All who are ailing this week, I’m thinking of you.

Sherry, Tara and Alexis went to a Country Western Music Show in Sudbury on the weekend.

Our last big weekend is coming up. Don’t labour too much on the day so named! Enjoy it!

Happy back to school for kids and mothers! “Oh yes, I remember it well.” Have a safe and happy weekend. God bless.

I bet you guys hardly notice that I talk about food in my writing? If I’m not eating it, I’m making it. I like cooking I guess, like my Mum who is an amazing cook and she eats well. By that I mean she takes care of herself, and she doesn’t think about cholesterol and stuff like that. Whatever she’s doing she’s got the hang of it though. Don’t you think? She’s almost 99. It’s the whipped cream.

Those hummingbirds are so entertaining. This week I’m enjoying my germaniums. I bought some on sale at The Garden Centre. So pretty. I didn’t spend much this year on my yard, but I’ve done more outside. It’s been a (where did it go?) nicer one. The summer folk are headed home again. So nice to see familiar faces even though I don’t remember all the names.

Shirley Ann (Little) was here with her daughter, Faye. She’s picking up some memories left by her brother, Hugh Little, for her.

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Expositor Staff
Expositor Staff
Published online by The Manitoulin Expositor web staff