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The wind it blew for Earth Day
And inside here I lie
No clean up of the beds or yard
I thought that I might die
I had a bloody flu bug
With a bad headache
I couldn’t put a shovel in
Or even pick up the rake
To plant a tree or share some bulbs
Soon daffodils will bloom
This is a time to move them
I always can find room
Clean up the yard or ready things
For Spring is on the move
Get patio areas looking nice
I must get in the groove
I always try to recognize
This day for what it’s worth
I tip my hat, and salute
Our “Good Old Mother Earth”.
Pat Hall
April 22, 2014

April 17—Tara and I checked out the new dollar store in Wikwemikong on Thursday morning. They sure have a lot of stuff, especially for parties of all kinds. We had our lunch at Queen Street General. We hadn’t had a “just the two of us date” for a long time. I got home just in time to pick up Mum for Bible study at Pat Novak’s. Two parts today bring this most interesting series to the end. It being Maunday Thursday we partook of the elements after and Pat played the piano. We sang some of our favourite songs “What a Friend We Have in Jesus”, “How Great Thou Art”, “The Old Rugged Cross’, and more. The communion seemed very special in the small circle. Pat and John Novak had just came home on Wednesday from a visit with the daughter Michelle in London.

Reta Vanhorn tells me she’s a great-grandma for the first time to a little girl. Congratulations all!

Reta was on KP duty Thursday night at the euchre tournament. Brad and Bill won the lone hands with 7; first, Dorothy and Ken, 88; second, Dorothy C. and Ted, 85; third, Brad and Bill, 80; fourth, Lyla and Clive, 71; low, Marg C. and Marg A., 43; door prize, Dorothy Allard; second door prize (plant), Ken Pepper.

Well the snow is going away slowly and that has been a great help, no heavy “April Showers” to cause flooding around. Despite all the grumbling the winter caused, we always have cause to be grateful. Yes!

Sure are lots of branches and stuff to pick up this year. I did a bit of Poppy poopy raking and pickup, but I’ve had a few days of really bad bloating and gas. I must have folded something up inside! I have absolutely no stay/work power left.

Well I guess the multitudes of turkey vultures are finding lots of carrion so if you’re outside try to look alive (twenty-five in one bunch?). When we went for a drive on Friday evening we saw a young eagle eating from a deer lying dead in the lake on Lakeshore Road. We counted 74 deer, a low count this year. A lot of the deer are back home again; forty-three count from Mindemoya turnoff (Prov. Road) to Tehk on Saturday evening. We had gone to the Happy Moose for our supper; Susan, Simon, Mom, Pauline, Wayne, Sherry, Dave, Cal and I. A great spot to eat. Eunice and Ben (Wilson), Debbie and Art (Scott) think so as well. It was kind of an eating weekend I guess. We all went to Pauline and Wayne’s for a Tiki game after supper. Early morning Sunday. Our Sunrise service was chilly, no wind, cloudy overhead until the first reader of the Day – a hole opened in the cloud – a brilliant sun gradually fading out with the second reader. Justin brings the Wooden (tree) Cross, Quillan couldn’t get over the Church??? Outside (he’s such a sweet little boy), Kim entertained musically- he and Mom did “The Old Rugged Cross” after the actual service. We thank Martin, Bert and Garry for the fire. Chrissy could have sung “Smoke Gets in Your Eyes” later. A robin sang the whole time we were there. A pair of wild geese did a fly-by at a very low altitude (I think they wanted to see what we were doing there?) and curved around us. There were lots of good breakfast type goodies and Robert’s good coffee was sure appreciated! This Easter bunny made a stop, then played a couple of games of crib with Mom, then time for church. (I ran out of time and memory.) In the afternoon played cards with Cal, he beat me. Then time to pick up Mum for Easter dinner at Sherry and Dave’s. There was a pretty full house. Wonderful and delicious dinner. Susan, Tara, Ray, Jacob, Skylar, Tavis, Alisha, Marion, Cal, Kim and Kathy. I gave the last two on the list their Christmas presents. We had a great visit later. Kim, Kathy, Sherry, Mum and I playing cribbage. Sherry and I did well, and we just went around the first bend on our way home and a little skunk had its tail up aimed in the direction of the van!

Lori and Rick headed St. Catharines way for their Easter.

Elaine McGauley had a huge family dinner at her place on Sunday.

After the Good Friday morning service, Earl was surprised to see us come in. He says it’s not Sunday? Bert, Elaine, Rosie, Justin, Quillan, Mary Yett and her sister Janie from California. She spreads California poppies on roadsides down thata way. Mary compared her to me and the Lupin (and other) flower planting. This Monday morning Mary, Janie, Rosie and Quillan were in and went for a walking tour through my yard. Mostly snowdrops and crocus, and they admired the stone in my house as we walked in the rain. I think Janie is enjoying her time here.

Kim and Kathy are gone back home to Clarksburg. Visit was lovely but as always too short. While we’re saying goodbye, Cousin Pat Leeson called from Elliot Lake. She had just got her Christmas present from Joan “My Book of Poetry” and she gave me some lovely compliments! She had some family with her over Easter and they visited Calvin after supper at the nursing home.

Cal and I went back down to Sherry and Dave’s for a replay of that delicious turkey dinner. Then I had to scoot to get to bingo in time.

Four tables for cribbage on Wednesday. A couple of presentations before the winners were announced. A (ahem?) “Gold Medal” to Mary J. for her 28 hand a couple of weeks ago and the framed card of Betty Jean and Bill’s last years, “perfect score”! First time we’ve had three high hand 24 points for Betty Jean, Margaret and Gib. First place, Bill and Betty Jean, 948; second, Margaret and Audrie, 946; third, Gib and Florence, 934; low, Jean (Mum) and Mary, 875; door, Audrie. After the cribbage game I skunked Mum twice!

Friday afternoon I took in the euchre at Knox Church Hall in the afternoon. I played with Dave James. Not such a hot partner for him unless lots of nines and tens count! Played a few games of cribbage with Cal later and didn’t do well at all. Even got skunked!

Saturday—Pauline’s surprise birthday get-together at Carol’s and Earl’s (parking lot only as they were away). So we went to the Happy Moose in Mindemoya where the food is always great. Christine and Dave Merrick.

Thursday—Four tables at euchre tonight. Nice to see some folk back again. Shirley and Dave Nelder spent their winter in Florida. Dave James is spending a couple of weeks at his Sandfield place. Ruth MacDonald says the maple syrup production is way down this season. Men’s high, Lloyd, 63; men’s lone hands, Bill Case; low, Clive, 4; ladies’ high, Betty Jean, 73; ladies’ lone hands, Pat Novak, 3; low, Audrie, 46; door prize, Dave James. Robert and Daisy Moise were on KP duty. They took over for Reuben and Jeneen. Sympathy to the family on the loss of her mom (after a fall). Thelma White was a hardworking lady for her church communities, Tehkummah and Manitowaning, over the years.

Earlier today I burned some brushes, cleared some flower beds and did a bit of raking. Wishing I was 20 years younger doesn’t help much.

Grandkids, Tatyana and Ava from Val Therese, brought a beautiful cake that was served up at Susan and Simon’s later. The rest of the crew, Wayne, Mum, Mollie and John (Cal and Cole came in for a piece of cake). After we had a couple of games of TIKI. While there I did a walk through of the farm? There are golden pheasant, ducks, different chickens, baby chicks, bunnies (so cute), a boy cat (now called Maxine) and Black Beauty (the horse)!

Church at St. Andrews, a pretty full house. After some of us stayed for Rosie and Mary’s presentation on Permaculture in Cuba. So very interesting. Mary and Rosie stopped at my place for some of my flower excesses. Did yard work, me, then the neighbours invited me for supper, it was good! A nice visit and sit in the sun too!

Spring into Shape in Tehkummah with Debbie Graham and the Mellow Mowers, May and June (summer off), two afternoons a week. Call Debbie at 705-368-0559.

In this past week we’ve lost two folk from our area. Sympathy to Jeneen and Reuben in the loss of her mom Thelma White. And sympathy to Sharon in the loss of Brian Gleason. And, of course, all the friends and family. Thinking of you at this time.

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Expositor Staff
Expositor Staff
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