Top 5 This Week

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Tehkummah Talk and Times

Two beautiful cards received with lovely words from my friends. Everyone should be so lucky.

I’ve been singing “We Belong to a Mutual Admiration Society” this week. Tara has been working hard at the pond area.

Hey happy summer vacation all you students. Thanks Barb for the plants!

Barb went with her dad for a Sudbury appointment on Friday.

Tuesday up early, back to bed until noon, up and back to bed until two, couldn’t stay upright!!

Had a visit with Diane (McLean) who had her great grandchild with her. Stopped for a visit with Ruth and Malen and had a nice cup of tea and quite a few laughs! She has a good looking garden and he’s putting together neat garden benches.

Simon is off to Pembroke for a grandson’s graduation.

It’s strange isn’t it, just miss one little word like “NO” and it reads totally different!! (and I didn’t miss it) But, there is “NO CRIBBAGE” on July 1 at Tehkummah Hall. Today we had five tables when Dolly came to be Lois’s partner. They did both win a chocolate bar, 739. High hand, Audrie, 24; first, Bill and Ruth (McGregor), 943; Lori and Rick, 937; Gib and Florence,930; door, Cal and Joy.

Great lunch folks! I stuck a candle in my rhubarb squares, so we could help celebrate Edgar’s 72 birthday. Skyler invited me to their place for supper, good BBQ.

Later went and skunked Mom but she beat two, did we equalize?

When Mary O’Neil came in I said, you’re not going to believe what I was doing. Now just before summer end if you happen to see a mammoth skunk roaming Tehkummah it will be because of me!! I had two boxes of the Miracle Grow in a pail out back, red for tomatoes, blue for whatever, and didn’t it chew it all up. Wouldn’t you wonder? So I was out back with a teaspoon trying to salvage it from carpet and grass. Now the reason I say skunk is because it left its scent around (perhaps to pay for the goods?) This was right after I had returned from an early morning blood work trek to Mindemoya. As I met Eunice and Dick, she said, isn’t all of Tehkummah here this a.m? Well close. I had a visit at the hospital with Susan Bebamash who’s been having some health issues and we continued our chat at Foodland.

I’d better go and check on my chocolate cake for tonight’s euchre. B.P biscuits in the oven too, but I had a nap between going and making. Yesterday it was rhubarb squares for cribbage. Weekend off perhaps??

Sympathy to Mary Johnston who lost her cat this week.

Well, the story continues!! If I had kept walking in, and not been observant (no outside light) I would  have been wearing the new “Pepe le Peu” perfume, as its tail was up and its backside pointed in my direction. This was 11:30ish, Thursday night. I’m just returning from our euchre. Only 10 people there, and lots of fun and laughter, no door keeper (but me). Joan (Beard) and I were also on K.P duty. Men’s high, me, 75; men’s lone hands, me; Rick and Edgar (only one each) Edgar won the cut. Low, Graham, 54; ladies high, Rose,68; Marg Case. Ladies lone hands, 2; low, Joan (Beard); door prize, Rose.

I checked in on Mom before and after the game.

Happy Canada Day- God Bless

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Expositor Staff
Expositor Staff
Published online by The Manitoulin Expositor web staff