I’m just done looking in the fridge to see if my phone happened to be there- where did I leave it? (Not there!)
Beautiful weather, I’m sunburned, but love the sun anyway, gradually cleaning the gardens, sit-clean-sit etc. No staying power, I was too tired to go to euchre last evening.
Borden and Joan are back home again and she stopped in to say hello and that they’d had a good winter. Dorothy stopped for an outside visit too, and Barb caught me on her canvass, my cheques were in.
I noted the beautifully cleaned and tidied hall lawn and gardens, much appreciated. Thanks Jeneen, Reuben, Daisy, Robert. (Did I get you all?)
Sherry, Tara and the kids spent the Friday night at camp.
I’ve been trying to clean leaves from the flowerbeds, that’s what happens when you don’t do fall cleanup and you live with maples. I see the goldfinches have gained their colour this week, must be the sunshine! We have a creature in the back yard; it looked “fisher-ish” from where I sat. The missing “Bandit” cat gave us some concern but he was locked in Rose’s garage so he’s home again, safe and sound.
We had supper at Carol’s and Earl’s Saturday evening and afterward Cal suggested we go to the camp, where we found a cozy campfire, but needed one for the backside too. An array of colourful blankets covered bodies and knees, a pleasant interlude.
Sherry, Dave, (fireman) Ray, (woodchopper) Tara, Jacob and Skylar saw a bat on Camp Road, flying of course. Today I saw a wild turkey hen near our church and while driving a partridge sideswiped me, and I don’t know if he survived the impact. The spring peepers were in full serenade Saturday, but I’m sure they shut-up last night because of the frost; three shut-ups before spring is official, apparently.
Our minister’s current series on Spirit, Spirituality and Synchronicity is amazing, and the new sound system at Fairview is wonderful.
I think the Martians abducted all the deer. They just disappeared from the fields, like overnight, but if they’re back on home turf they’re keeping a low profile, except for the evidence of chewed off tulips and crocus!
Sherry and Larry Killens got home on Saturday nice and tanned looking. The snowbirds must all be home now! Welcome back home!
Thinking of you Jacquie (Gordon) and family.