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Tehkummah Talk and Times

“The bad part about aging is you have to be ‘old’ before someone tells you, you look young for your age.” (Milton Berle)

Well I climbed the stairs at Little Current waterfront last evening, and I know I’m old for mine! A couple of years ago I went down it, but after the fireworks they picked me up downtown. But I’m still alive today to tell you, those were the most beautiful fireworks display ever. The finale blast was amazing, and so reflecting, on the glass like water surface. Breathtaking! Thanks once again Lions Club, Town of L.C. and who ever, you done good! There was one unfriendly young man at the top of the hill guarding his grass!! Tires really don’t do damage!! I don’t know if the yard across the road was charging for parking space, or they had an exceptionally large family, but they weren’t worried about theirs I guess.

We sat with Sherry and Dave, Calvin and Jeanette in the same row. I went up with Tara, Ray and Skylar. Ray missed the skunk in the road coming home, but the van behind us must have got it because we followed skunk smell after he passed us. Said hello on the boardwalk to Rick and Julia, to George and Linda (the newlyweds), and to my second cousin Linda and Sheila. Lots of folk we recognized walking. I like the look of that tour boat, disco lights and all, or was that just for the occasion, Haweater Weekend!?

Weeks come and time goes, I see Marble brought me a present again, there’s a little fat mouse laying by my bench in the back here. It’s funny how they always think of others, and are so proud of their accomplishments. Sherry just phoned she’s going back to the camp this a.m. so I shall go along for the car ride. I never get anything done here anyway! Tomorrow, Pauline is hosting a potluck in honour of Pete, Leanne, Ava and Leah’s summer visit, so that will be another good get together.

Thinking of Everett, Linda is supposed to be here this week too, Don Arnold (Nancy and George were here this past week). Faye (Chatwell) spending time at the hospital; Florence, hello, I hear you are doing well! Must have been a F.R. call in the middle of the night (Wednesday I think) I heard lots of fast moving traffic go by here!

Susan and Simon’s yard sale on Friday was a great success for day one. My car did the ‘scree’ thing again so I left it there. Shopped, had lunch there, Pauline drove Mom and I home.

Cal and I went to Carol’s and Earl’s for supper. Later he followed me to Browns, me with my car I left there for Garry to look at. Actually I’m looking for another free vehicle. This one has sure been good for the price!!! Right K and K?!! Everything wears out, me included, darn it. There seemed to be quite a few Monarch butterflies in one area in South Baymouth, when we drove around. Lots of milkweed plants in bloom too.

On Saturday morning Cal picked me up and we took in the yard sale at the South Baymouth Museum grounds. Quite a few folks checking things out. Back to his place for a peanut butter and onion sandwich and a cup of tea. Then out to the barn sale, after Manitowaning town, then to the Flee (Cal’s favourite shopping spot, I think). Back, then supper at Carol’s and Earl’s where we sat and visited with Larry and Robert Cress. Don Orford sat and said hello for a minute and said the ‘motorcycle gang’ was off to Timmins this weekend.

You know I’m always talking about time. I just can’t believe it was 14 years on August first since Seward passed.

The chipmunk was moving. I thought maybe it was still alive. It’s whole body moved but when I got near, this huge beetle came out from under it (probably a carrion) and flies buzzing nearby told me it wasn’t fresh. Found it in time to dispose of it ‘my’ way!

I hear the tarring gang out front this morning. We’ll have new surfacing to walk on. I hear Ray just heading for work. I’ve been sitting in my spot, written a poem, drank my coffee, and had a two hour soak in the tub! Already yet, I can’t understand why I can’t get anything done?

My day started early Thursday. By 7:15 I was in Mindemoya. Got my laundry going before I had to take my car for its checkup at eight! Had my breakfast at Mum’s. Met a guy who looked familiar. His name is Dave (Darrow). He said he’d read my column and heard me sing at Kicking Mule Ranch. Told me to say hello to Helen Oswald and Charlene and her hubby. Also met Karlene Scott who caused me to bust my buttons by her praise. No wonder my head is so big! Bought a cooked chicken and buns and stopped at Mum’s and we shared a hot chicken sandwich. Then I redeemed myself today, beat her two of three. Yesterday she beat me three of four and another 24 hand after our cribbage.

We had six and a half tables and loads of fabulous food again. Thanks everyone! High hands, Mum and Bill McGregor, 24; first, Mary and Jean, 954; second, Audrie and Del, 942; third, Eugene and Dorothy, 928; low, Irene and Laura, 872; door, Melissa and Eugene.

Tonight I did the door for euchre while Dorothy made the delicious lunch. We had five tables and lots of fun. Clive, Dave and Rick cut for three lone hands with Rick winning the cut. Men?s high, Clive, 77; men’s low, Grant and Ruth tied with 62; ladies’ high, Audrie and Pat Novak tied with 73 with Audrie winning the cut; ladies’ lone hands, Pat Novak, 4; ladies’ low, Annette, 40; door, Audrie.

Friday Lina Holmes called me today to correct my date for their next euchre, which is actually August 15. My hearing is going. That’s a good excuse anyway.

I’ve still got all my laundry to put away. That’s tomorrows/today’s job. It’s now 12:45 am. I’m starting to get tired. I’m kind of weird I guess, I’m just having a chat with the little toad, discussing that this is no place for a toad. I’m afraid I’m going to step on him/her. It didn’t talk back! Maybe I’m only odd or unusual? (We chat quite often, but if he jumps, as I step___?)

Tara and Skylar found some lovely huge Monarch caterpillars this week. Feeding time! Milkweed at the zoo! They are almost to the Chrysalis stage, so within a couple of weeks they will be transformed!

I’d just nicely hung up from talking to Cal when Diane of Rainbow Fish N Chips called and told me some folks staying there from Kingston were taking a real kick out of my column.

Sympathy to the family of Harold McCutcheon. I heard Friday morning of his passing.

Happy birthday to Sharon in Sault Ste. Marie on August 3.

The young hummingbirds came to the feeder on Friday. They need to learn about cats and the sugar water I put out. They’re down low as the flowers and I worry. I had my first ripe tomato sandwich before bed on Friday evening. The smell of it got the juices flowing. The taste even more wonderful. Hope the rest hurry!

Sherry’s birthday is August 6. She is how old? And me only plenty nine! She’s my youngest child!

Cal said he and Gib went to Carol’s and Earl’s for their supper on Sunday evening. Then played some cribbage games at his place. They both won.

Joan just phoned to say she’d found her birthday card. I had left it in her gazebo a few days ago.

What a nice morning. We picked a whole lot of red currants. Still left lots for the wildlife back there. Sherry did some camp cleaning. I did a bit of brushing and tree shaping. Lots of perennial sweet peas in bloom. The oregano has gone wild. Loads of butterflies love that stuff. She brought sandwich makings and coffee. We don’t have a lot of visiting time anymore.

Folks from North Bay were heading home. They have a camp farther back! They stopped to visit.

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Expositor Staff
Expositor Staff
Published online by The Manitoulin Expositor web staff