Tehkummah Council Minutes


Roger’s Creek Bridge

Council reviewed a petition from Andy Bowerman regarding repairs to or the replacement of the Roger’s Creek Bridge. Council carried a motion moved by Councillor Laird Lee and seconded by Councillor Ron Hierons that council would take the petition under consideration.

Accounts payable

Council carried a motion moved by Councillor Lorie Leeson and seconded by Councillor Laird Lee to pay the accounts payable for period 10 of the fiscal year in the amount of $165,653.70, as per the accounts payable control report.

Fire Underwriters Survey

The Fire Underwriters Survey contacted the municipality in 2015 and early 2016 to initiate a fire insurance classification update but received no response. Council learned that concerns were raised regarding the fire hydrants and homeowners insurance premiums in the municipality.

Council carried a motion to direct the fire chief and clerk-treasurer to contact the Fire Underwriters Survey in order to update the fire insurance classifications for the municipality.

Plow/dump truck

Council carried a motion, moved by Councillor Paul Bowerman and seconded by Councillor Lorie Leeson, to direct the clerk-treasurer to contact the municipality financial institution to see approval for a short team loan to purchase a plow truck for $65,341 plus tax.

Winter storage at the marina

Council carried a motion, moved by Councillor Ron Hierons and seconded by Laird Lee, “Be it resolved that the public works superintendent is given authority to tow away any items that remain on the municipal property without a storage agreement beyond the date of November 15, 2016.”

Records management

Tehkummah council discussed how the township needs to implement a records management system. Councillor Paul Bowerman carried a motion, seconded by Councillor Lorie Leeson, “Be it resolved that Bylaw 2016-12, being a bylaw to establish retention periods for records of the Corporation of the Township of Tehkummah, be given a first and second reading as attached.”

Allocation of contract holdback

Council discussed how the municipality was holding back its final payment to Belanger Construction and Kresin Engineering for the contract regarding the Government Road Bridge. Council carried a motion to authorize the clerk-treasurer to transfer $210,000 from the general operating account to a special interest bearing savings account as soon as the funds permit.

Municipal building heating system

Council authorized Campbell Heating, the service professional of record for the municipal office building’s boiler heating system, to supply and install an air scoop and exchange the expansion tank at a cost of $2,040 plus tax.

Temporary relocation of meetings

The meeting room of the municipal office will be required for working space during the records management project. Council carried a motion for the council meetings to be held at the Tehkummah Community Hall for the duration of the project.

Air quality

Council and town staff discussed concerns about vehicle exhaust fumes entering the fire hall and adjoining municipal office building. To handle the problem, council asked that the supplying and installing of a proper exhaust system be marked for the 2017 budget and that a cost estimate for the project be obtained.


The public works supervisor presented an operation plan for the landfill site. His suggestions included: the removal of the glass crusher as it is not safe to operate; move the attendant’s shack to on top of the hill near the trenches and recycling bins so that the attendant has control of the traffic; attendant’s shack needs a heat source, a propane heater with an outside vent could be installed; a portable toilet needs to be set up for the attendant and users; the public works superintendent will contact the fire chief to do a controlled burn of the burnable pile; a track based mini backhoe is to be acquired for use at the landfill site as a rubber tired machine is not suitable; and communication methods need to be explored so that attendant has either a cell phone or radio system.”

Council approved the plan and authorized the public works superintendent to put the proposed items into action.

Public works building

Council discussed the history of black mould in portions of the public works building and the potential health risk to employees. Councillor Ron Hierons, seconded by Councillor Lorie Leeson, carried a motion directing the clerk-treasurer to contact qualified companies to submit an estimate on the cost involved in determining the cause and the cost associated with a plan to remedy the cause.

Bridge inspections

Tulloch Engineering completed mandatory structural inspections of Ontario Structure Inspection Manual qualified bridges and culverts within the municipality and presented that report to council.

The two bridges over the Manitou River were identified in the report as being in need of extensive rehabilitation work including replacement.

Council carried a motion to contract Tulloch Engineering to complete structural evaluations for bridges 2 and 3 at an estimated cost of $5,000 per bridge and that in preparation for funding applications, tender call documents for the engineering design for the replacement of bridge 2 and bridge 3 should be prepared to go out as soon as possible. The motion also included that minor repairs to bridge 7, Black Creek, will be undertaken by the municipal workforce when weather conditions permit.


Tehkummah council donated a $250 bursary to the Manitoulin Student Aid Fund.

Council also carried a donation to donate $500 to the Manitoulin Family Resources 2016 Christmas Hamper Campaign.

New hire

Council approved the hiring of Joe Hannah as the public works operator/landfill attendant.