Top 5 This Week

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Spring Bay Rural Route Jan 29

We are getting milder weather, but more snow.

The flu bug is still around and some have been in the hospital.

Belated birthday wishes to Irene Montgomery on January 13 and to David McAllister on January 13. I hope you had a good day.

Campbell Horticultural Society held their January meeting on January 14 at the Spring Bay Community Centre. The program was by Joan Beard on veggies and preserves. Next meeting will be February 11 in Spring Bay.

Euchre has started at Providence Bay seniors’ room each week.

We extend sympathy to our cousins from Bruce Mines on the passing of Glenn Connell. To his wife and family, our sympathy. They visited quite often on the Island. He will be missed.

Lots going on last weekend and twice the power was off.

Brent, Tammy and family spent last weekend with their mother Heather. Brent played hockey in the Pearson Cup at Providence Bay. Royce Young Jr. also played.

January 23rd- It seems I am having a bad time getting my news to Little Current. Twice it’s been too late. Though I mail it each Thursday or have it faxed. That is the reason why the new is old.

Watched curling last week, the Continental Cup between North America and the World. North America won. Early in February the Tournament of Hearts will be on.

A member from here attended the Christian Women’s luncheon and meeting at Abby’s restaurant on Monday.

Lillian Greenman was in on Monday and had a visit. Sunny this week, but cold. Happy belated Birthday wishes to Deanna Smith on last Saturday, her sister Dania had a party for her at the curling club in Mindemoya. Several came and surprised her and had a fun evening.

A mixed curling bonspiel was held last weekend in Providence Bay. The group was a bit smaller than usual, but they had an enjoyable time.

Allen and Rosemarie Eagleson had lunch with me on Wednesday. Rosemarie made the lunch. January will soon be over and I don’t mind at all.

I talked to Mieke Delange on Tuesday, and she is doing O.K. it’s been cold there too. Wear your woolies and keep warm.

Happy Robbie Burns Day on January 25. It’s a national holiday in Scotland. He was one of the finest poets ever.


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Expositor Staff
Expositor Staff
Published online by The Manitoulin Expositor web staff