September 1—It’s back to school this week. Please watch for the wee tots getting on and off the bus. If may be their first time.
Leila Coulam, Gladys Noland, Marlaine Ste. Croix visited me last Wednesday and had a cup of tea with me.
Lyle Dewar had the ‘over 90’ birthday group last Friday out to the Garden Shed for pictures, coffee and dessert. Two of our birthday ones have passed away, George Granger and Elgin Martin. We miss them. We had a nice afternoon together. Thanks Lyle!
Happy birthday to Hearley Hinds who celebrated on the weekend.
Brenton, Michelle and Kelsey Leigh Eagleson had dinner with me on Sunday. Brenton and Michelle flew home to Oregon on Monday (today). I enjoyed their visit but will miss them. They attended the wedding in Mattawa.
Charlotte Leonard and Charlene Biggs from Sudbury were here at the Leonard home for the holiday weekend.
Manitowaning Fall Fair is this weekend so we hope they will have better weather.
Congratulations to Lakeisha Gelinas and Stephane Dodier who were married last Saturday in Mattawa (my great-granddaughter). Guests attending from the Island were David and Connie, Tracey and Royce Young, Allen and Rosemarie Eagleson.