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Spring Bay News

The birds are glad we keep our feeders filled. It is difficult for them to find food since the snowfalls. We have attracted three new breeds, although we don’t know what they are, but it is nice to see more coming to eat.

It’s nice to see the sun shining in a clear sky rather than the cloudy weather we have had.

High on a wall in Edinburgh, Scotland, posted by the Scottish health authorities, is this official announcement: “Smoking Stops You From Growing.” Below the sign, about two feet from the ground ‘someone’ posted another sign: “Now You Tell Me.”

Spring Bay Pentecostal church had 35 people out to their senior’s luncheon last Thursday. That was a large group considering the weather.

We were sorry to hear of the passing of Reg McAllister’s brother, Martin. Our condolences to the family.

It was amazing on the way home to see the number of drivers on the highway with only one operating headlight on their cars! Are they looking to cause or be involved in an accident?

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Expositor Staff
Expositor Staff
Published online by The Manitoulin Expositor web staff