SILVER WATER—About 100 people met at the Silver Water Community War Memorial Hall to celebrate the 75th anniversary of its construction and official opening.
“I made a presentation at the gathering, and there was a good discussion among those on hand of local residents who were kids at the time and some of the things that have taken place at the hall over the years, and at the old Foresters Hall before that,” said Marie Leeney.
In her presentation on the history of the hall, Ms. Leeney went back to information found on The Manitoulin Recorder microfilm from 1945 at the local library and the minute books form the Women’s Institute to gather information such as the fundraising carried out by the resilient people of the community, and the official dedication ceremony held by the newly formed Royal Canadian Legion (Branch 514) on November 10, 1949 with about 240 people attending. She pointed out an opening dance had been held Wednesday, November 9 with some three hundred or more in attendance.
“An official financial report called ‘Here It is In a Nutshell’ dated (February 28, 1950, to 1964) showed donations from Lester B. Pearson, Owen Sound Transportation, Purvis Brothers, Robert Simpson Company (later Simpson Sears) and local people just to name a few. Expenses, as well as time and materials donated were presented at the anniversary, along with an official deed of land between John McGibbon to John Edmonds, William Clark and William Priddle representing trustees for the people of Robinson Township, dated May 15, 1913, appears to be for the property of the hall and ballfield,” wrote Ms. Leeney.

The Manitoulin Recorder reported on November 10, 1949, “another very fine community memorial centre has been dedicated and formally opening this week, namely, the new hall at Silver Water. The dream of a new modern hall has long been in the minds of the people of this energetic community, and they are deserving of great praise for the way in which they have tackled their problem and overcame the many obstacles in their path.”
“The property on which the hall is situated consists of two and a half acres, located at the top of the hill and surrounded by a grove of nice maple trees,” the Recorder reported. “The Township of Robinson purchased the lot some years ago from John McGibbon, and it has been made use of for field days, picnics, baseball, softball and other sports.”
Another report on the dedication published in the Recorder read, “A beautiful service of dedication was held Sunday, November 6 at the new memorial community hall at 3 pm. The weather was a bit dull, but we fortunately had no rain. Some 240 residents and friends from surrounding communities well filled the splendid new building. The veterans provided and had special seating. Mr. Geo. Trick was chairman and others occupying seats on the platform were Rev G. Thompson, B A, of Gore Bay, Mr. Jasper Noble.”
“A choir of 27 led the singing, with Mrs. Ted Addison as pianist. Mr. Frank Priddle, formerly of Silver Water officially opened the ceremonies with a dedication prayer by Rev. Leck. Mr. Archie Duncanson cut the ribbon pronouncing the doors open. open. Mr. W C Duncanson gave an address followed by a reply from Comrade Orland Wismer.”
“Mr. Jasper Noble read the scripture lesson. R.G. Thompson’s address was inspiring, a bit humorous in spots, also thought provoking. Two hymns were sung by all and the choirs rendition of “O Valliant Hats” following two minutes of silence, was evidently appreciated,” reported the Recorder.
In 1946 a start was made toward the erection of the new hall, lumber was acquired and excavation made for a basement. Scarcity of building materials and a lack of ready cash called a halt to proceedings and for another couple of years the people of the community continued to work and dream of the day when the new hall would become a reality.
During the summer of 1949 it was decided to make a determined effort to have the hall completed in time for their annual fowl supper and although there is of necessity some finishing up to be done, the work was sufficiently advanced as to allow a dedication service on Sunday, November 6 and a formal opening by a dance on November 9,” it was recorded.
At the anniversary, a slide show along with more photos, and the minute books from the Silver Water Women’s Institute were on display. The Women’s Institute were responsible for getting the Community Hall Fund Raising club started in 1946 and the community news published in the Manitoulin Recorder.
Ms. Leeney pointed out at the anniversary celebration, a lasagna supper was served with goodwill donations offered, netting $1,000. “We are raising money to put in a new bathroom on the main floor of the building.”
“Thank you ever so much to all who attended to learn a little history of this building and adding to the coffers for the next much needed project, a washroom on the main floor,” added Ms. Leeney.