Home News Local Services Board forecasting year end surplus

Services Board forecasting year end surplus


ESPANOLA – The financial situation for the Manitoulin-Sudbury District Services Board (DSB) looks a lot more promising now compared to earlier projects of a large end of the year municipal budget. 

“We received some great news with our New Experimental Experience Rating (NEER) WSIB figures and costs having come down on a one-time basis for this year,” Fern Dominelli, CAO of the DSB, told the Recorder after a board meeting last week. “In my second quarter financial report I had told the board the deficit was forecast to be $302,947 for the year, as we were expecting to receive a big bill.” 

Mr. Dominelli pointed out, “we are now projecting a municipal surplus of $3,443. Part of the reason is our NEER figures are now in for the 2018 calendar year. He said claims went down, contributing to the reduced costs. “All paramedics were trained in the Road to Mental Readiness, and with peer support in place staff have been helping each other and it seems to be providing positive results,” he said, noting there have been no additional WSIB claims made since his second quarter financial report to the board. 

In his report to the board on the DSB third quarter activity report, Mr. Dominelli reported, “the DSB 2019 third quarter (unaudited) financial report was presented to the board and projects a year-end municipal surplus of $3,443. This deficit includes Ontario Works forecasted to be under budget by $19,200. Children’s Services is forecasted to be on budget. Social housing is forecasted to be under budget by $273,570. Paramedic Services is forecasted to be over budget by $393,354. Interest revenue on non-reserve accounts is forecasted to be a $104,027 surplus over budget.”


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