Home News Local Retired pastor Erwin Thompson receives Minister Emeritus Award

Retired pastor Erwin Thompson receives Minister Emeritus Award

Erwin Thompson, a former long time Pastor on Western Manitoulin, has received the Minister Emeritus Designation, through the Western Manitoulin Pastoral Charge. Mr. Thompson, middle, was presented with the designation award by Lloyd Steeves, left, and Myra Duncanson last Sunday in Silver Water.

SILVER WATER—A former longtime Pastor on Manitoulin Island, Erwin Thompson, has received a very prestigious Minister Emeritus Designation (through the Western Manitoulin Pastoral Charge).

At a special ceremony this past Sunday, Reverend Janice Frame, who had originally nominated Mr. Thompson for the award told the congregation in Silver Water, “what is now called the Western Manitoulin Pastoral Charge has grown in faith and service since the pioneers of Meldrum Bay, Silver Water, and Elizabeth Bay first began to gather for worship over 100 years ago. Without a resident minister in place, your ancestors and their neighbours offered their own gifts and skills and talents to build a church—figuratively and literally—in these communities.”

“Eventually, as a United Church mission field, clergymen were assigned to carry God’s word to the west end of Manitoulin and to minister here. But none of those clergymen stayed for very long….until Mr. O.D. Cadotte served as a lay minister for 18 years (1927-1945). For the next 43 years, no minister stayed longer than four years,” said Rev. Frame.

“And then, Erwin arrived in 1988… and remained in active ministry here until his retirement in 2013,” explained Rev. Frame. “Many of you know the details of Erwin’s ministry better than I, because you worked alongside him for every one of those 25 years. And it seems to me that within the unspoken covenant you shared with Erwin throughout that quarter century, a sense of honour, respect, trust and affection developed among you, enabling your collective understanding of mission and ministry to grow broader and deeper.”

“And so you’ve agreed that it is appropriate to confer upon Erwin H. Thompson the title Minister Emeritus, in appreciation for the 25 years of faithful service he provided our communities and the wider church,” continued Rev. Frame.

Myra Duncanson explained, “the term Minister Emeritus is an honorary title conferred on a retired minister, acknowledging and celebrating the significant contribution he or she has made to encourage and support a particular community of faith. The title Minister Emeritus does not imply future responsibility or expectation, but is offered with affection as a sign of respect and a symbol of gratitude.”

Lloyd Steeves said, “Pastor Erwin H. Thompson, the Western Manitoulin Pastoral Charge of the United Church of Canada wishes to honour you for your many years of service here. You have been a distinguished leader and a faithful shepherd, and your work among us has increased our faith and enhanced our ability to share the Good News. The life of this community of faith is richer and fuller because of your dedication to preach, teach and live the gospel.”

Ms. Duncanson pointed out, “at the 2017 annual meeting of this pastoral charge it was agreed unanimously that we honour you with the title Minister Emeritus.”

Then Mr. Steeves asked Mr. Thompson, “Erwin, do you accept this recognition, and will you receive the honourary title Minister Emeritus as it is offered to you?”

“I do, and I will,” replied Mr. Thompson.

Then everyone in the congregation stated as one, “as members and friends of the three congregations of the Western Manitoulin Pastoral Charge, we rejoice in your acceptance of the title Minister Emeritus. We hold in high regard this special honour you have received…and we pledge to you our continuing affection, our constant care, and our sustaining prayers.”

In being presented the award scroll from Ms. Duncanson and Mr. Steeves on behalf of the congregation, Mr. Thompson said, “it is with deep humility and honour that I accept this title of Minister Emeritus of Western Manitoulin Pastoral Charge. I thank each and everyone one of you for your love and support over the 25 years of ministry we shared together and the five years of retirement.”

“I would like to say a special thank you to Rev. Janice Frame who graciously suggested this title,” said Mr. Thompson. “The Western Manitoulin Pastoral Charge has truly been blessed by her ministry over the five years she has been here. It is not easy for a minister to come to a pastoral charge where the previous minister has had a long time ministry, and to make things more difficult that minister lives within the bounds of the pastoral charge. Janice, thank you from the bottom of my heart for your openness and acceptance of this minister.”

“When I look back at the years we have shared the memories just come rolling to mind-that first service of trepidation in thinking what will I do and how will I be received,” said Mr. Thompson. “I needed not to worry as you received me with open arms and reassurance. You made this single male who was going through a divorce and leaving his children behind feel welcome. You included me in community activities, invited me to your home and had me for meals. You even had me playing euchre until two in the morning with four Sunday services to do within a few hours!”

“We accomplished many things through the love of each other and the guidance of the Holy Spirit,” continued Mr. Thompson. “We have laughed and shed tears together. We welcomed many new children of God to worship, built this beautiful centre of worship and closed two others. We celebrated the lives of so many of the ancestors of this pastoral charge and its four churches—St. Andrew’s United, Meldrum Bay; St. Andrew’s United, Silver Water; Elizabeth Bay United, Elizabeth Bay; and Mills United in the Township of Mills, which was closed in 1988. Boy, did we celebrate the many blessings we received at each congregation with special services at anniversaries, special events in the community whether it was birthdays, anniversaries.”

“You have been there for me in the many illnesses I have had with prayers, support and love,” said Mr. Thompson.

“So with many wonderful memories already made and hopefully, many more to come: I say may God continue to bless us and guide us, as we show that we are called as a child of God to proclaim the Word and journey in mission and love,” added Mr. Thompson.


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