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Reading the Expositor’s editorials is a far better pastime than following Facebook

Slings and arrows should not be directed at the Eadie family

To the Expositor:

A reply to Brad Wright’s letter of Wednesday, June 28 about the Cup and Saucer (‘A hard view on the loss of the Cup and Saucer entrance,’ Page 5).

Mr. Wright should go back and read the Editorial in the May 31 edition of the Manitoulin Expositor instead of replying to what is posted on Facebook.

Over the years Don Eadie and family have allowed the general public to use this property. They paid the taxes to NEMI. Insurance had to purchased. What did they receive in the end from the general public? Nothing. Everyone took for granted that they should be able to use these trails even when they were posted closed for the season or private property signs were erected and boulders put across the entrance way. The public continued to park on the side of the road and go in. The pictures posted on Facebook on the long weekend told the story. Not only on the Saturday, but Monday as well.

As for sour grapes over a lost contract. This was not the first time in the history of this construction family that they have lost a contract. Yes, maybe financially they, like a lot of business people of the day, are finding it hard. Decisions had to be made and as the property owner they made a decision. That was their right whether it pleased the public or not. There may have been other contributing factors like not having the insurance paid.

But whatever the reason they had they are being made the bad guy.

Did the mayor and council try to work with Mr. Eadie on a solution? I don’t believe they did. It is my understanding that promises made the previous year were never followed through with.

Instead, they worked with the Biosphere people who, since purchasing their 350 acres of property, have never had to pay taxes on it to NEMI. And when approached a few years ago to have a new entrance way built with the assistance of Mr. Eadie, they declined. Oh, now because someone like NEMI is footing the bill for this new entrance they have changed their mind. Just like the other landowner that has given consent.

How is it that they received permission so quickly from MTO, when if it was the person of the general public wanting to do this, one would have to jump through paperwork and months of waiting for a decision?

We, the taxpayers of NEMI, are paying for this so our mayor and council can look good, when in fact every town and township on Manitoulin should be paying for it as it benefits the Island as a whole. But are they going to contribute? If so let’s see it published as to who did and how much.

When this trail was closed on the May long weekend did the police respond when called or did Mr. Eadie lay any charges against those who disobeyed the signs posted? The answer is no to both. Why? Well I am not sure about the police but as for Mr. Eadie, he is not that type of person.

People are still using the old entrance to the Cup and Saucer. On Sunday, June 11 at approximately 9:30 am there were three cars parked in the parking lot. A quick call to Mr. Eadie informing him of this and he laughed and told us that people have never quit using it. A bad situation has only been made worse. Every day there is someone going in from his property.

So much for obeying NO TRESPASSING signs, or PRIVATE PROPERTY signs.

People seem to feel they have the right to continue to use this property. I wonder how many of those who are upset over this decision would allow the general public to access their property and pay the liability insurance? Not too many. Hopefully people will respect the new entrance way and trails, but honestly I won’t count on it. Manitoulin does not have Tim Hortons, McDonald’s, Kentucky Fried Chicken, etc. but I often see all these containers on the side of the road along with pop cans, water bottles, chocolate bar wrappers so whether it is the local people or tourist, it doesn’t matter, it is easy to throw it out the window of a vehicle and leave it on the trails.

To the family of the late Don Eadie, thank you for all the years you have allowed the public to access the Cup and Saucer Trail. As someone who was on this trail a year ago with my grandson, I can attest to the garbage like containers, dog poop, broken glass etc.

Linda Bowerman


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Expositor Staff
Expositor Staff
Published online by The Manitoulin Expositor web staff