Home Columns Random Acts of Kindess

Random Acts of Kindess


EDITOR’S NOTE: Each week, Random Acts of Kindness submissions will be listed here. To share an act of kindness, please email it to editor@manitoulin.ca, fax it to 705-358-3822 or mail it to The Manitoulin Expositor c/o Acts of Kindness, P.0.. Box 369, Little Current, ON P0P1K0 and be sure to include your name and address. Don’t forget, one name from the submissions will be drawn in February with the prize of a $200 donation to an Island charity of their choice.

Never underestimate the power of a kind word

Snail mail…greeting cards…you’ve got mail…it is with great excitement I wait for my mail delivery everyday. Beth Ditmyer, Mary-Jo Eckert Tracy, Stacy Lynn Chisholm, Nelda Horn, Debby Turner, Greta Lane, Reta Parkinson, Dorothy Allard, Lois Williamson to name but a few. Never underestimate your words. My card string is my pride and joy—a reminder of your heartfelt kindness.

Ruth Chisholm Mohammed

What a difference a sweep of a broom can make in a day

We would like to share an act of kindness shown to us this winter. Dave Siberry, a resident of our little village, cleans the snow from the sidewalk in front of the apartments across the road. On his way home while walking by our driveway—broom and shovel in hand—he stops and cleans the snow from our vehicle. My husband injured his arm and shoulder last fall so this kind gesture is very much appreciated.

Betty and Eric Russell

The Northeast Town’s unofficial ambassador does it again!

Last Saturday afternoon we did our usual rush trip to the Little Current landfill site. Ten minutes later, on our way home, my husband reached for his stainless steel water bottle so he could take his medication. Not there! With a sinking feeling, he remembered placing not only the bottle but his reading glasses on top of either the paper or cardboard recycling box. Back to the landfill site with just five minutes before closing time. Hearing about our plight, Dave Draper jumped into the paper dumpster. No luck! Then he climbed into the cardboard dumpster. With arms moving through waves of cardboard, like an Olympic swimmer, Dave soon found the water bottle. Could Dave pull off a second miracle? After a more than reasonable time of searching we thanked Dave for trying so hard to find the glasses and started back to the car. Just then we heard a shout from the dumpster, “Would these be yours?” Sure enough, Dave found the glasses! Thank you, Dave, you saved the day.

Arthur and Lynda Lee
NEMI residents


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