Rainbow District School Board student enrolment higher than estimated


SUDBURY—A Rainbow District School Board (RDSB) official is happy that enrolment numbers in the board’s elementary and secondary school panels is higher than the board had predicted.

“In looking at our enrolment figures as of October 31, in the elementary panel our actual student enrolment is 8,462 compared to last year’s 8,563,” said Norm Blaseg, director of education for the RDSB, last Friday. “We had predicted an enrolment of 8,407, so we are up a little from what we had been predicting, by 55 students.”

In the RDSB secondary panel, “our actual students numbers are at 5,030, compared to 5,130 last year,” said Mr. Blaseg. “So we are down 100 students in the secondary panel, but in terms of what we had predicted, 5,033, you can’t get much closer than that,” he said.

“As a board based on our projections we have seen an increase of 50 students,” said Mr. Blaseg. “Our principals at all our schools did a remarkable job in predicting patterns for the number of students we would have enrolled in our schools.”

Enrolment, “has a huge impact on funding we receive,” stated Mr. Blaseg. “Typically, we are funded by the province on our enrolment predictions. As we were so close in our estimations, due to the work of our principals and superintendents, we will be in pretty good shape.”