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Providence Bay News & Notes

Anna and Don Orford drove down to Hanover to meet up with a tour bus for a wonderful trip to Washington, DC. They had a great time with their tour guides Geoff and Jim, stopping for meals, shopping events, and guided tours of the city. The motels were the best ever with delicious breakfasts to start the day off. They enjoyed their lovely travelling companions that all visited and mingled together so nicely. Cherry blossoms made this trip so eye appealing and the Aero-Space Museum was very interesting.

The Canadian Coast Guard ship was spotted in Providence Bay waters on April 10 putting in the green light buoy JHI1 that marks the entrance to the bay. They are also responsible for the skeleton tower lighthouse on the extremity of Providence Point and the cylindrical mask marker at the outer end of the Providence Bay Wharf. Many people have been happy to see their glowing lights.

Janet Fathers accompanied Elisabeth Mahler to Val David, Quebec to visit Nathalie and Alain (previous owners of the Auberge Inn) to return Storm the Cat for their daughter Lea. While there, Janet had a sunny day of spring skiing at Mont Tremblant. At the end of the week, Nathalie and Alain treated Janet and Elisabeth to an afternoon at the beautiful hot springs/spa. Nathalie, Alain and Lea live in a lovely town in the Laurentians where Alain has just opened up a toy store. Nathalie is working part time at the post office in the neighbouring town. Lea has just celebrated her third birthday. They say hello to all their Island friends.

Easter weekend saw many visitors around. Steve and Kerry Barclay (nee Cranston) were home to visit. Sally Dawson (nee McDermid) and family were home to visit her Mom Toots and brother Jamie McDermid. All are enjoying extended visits to the village and visits from the Easter Bunny.

Belated birthday wishes are going out to Pat Young who celebrated on April 19. Special wishes also go out to Alexia Gilchrist who celebrated on April 20. Birthday greetings are sent out to Brian Bush Sr. of the park who celebrates on April 24. They seem to be very busy with spring clean-up, renovations and preparations for their opening in May.

Earth Day is coming up on April 22. reports that the first Earth Day on April 22, 1970 activated people from all walks of life and is widely credited with launching the modern environmental movement. Their vision for change as the 50th anniversary approaches is that we are long overdue for a global outpouring of energy, enthusiasm, and commitment to create a new environmental paradigm. This is a reminder to us that we have a responsibility to ensure the protection of an endangered plant in our region. The Pitcher’s thistle. This plant requires windswept dunes to ensure its’ survival. Let’s hope that we can continue forward with the township’s plans to clear brush and shrubbery from the beach to encourage the survival of this endangered plant. We’re all looking forward to the township to carry out their plans before the tourist season begins. As residents and anyone concerned with the beach, we can do our part and look forward to the annual beach cleanup. We are limited to garbage cleanup and raking but it truly is the brush and shrubbery that needs to be cleared to ensure access and safety to all. We will update once we know the date.

Don’t forget to mark your calendars for the Euchre tournament on Tuesday, April 25 beginning at 8 pm. It’s hosted by the Twilight Seniors Club in the basement of the Providence Bay Hall. It’s held the last Tuesday of the month with all other Tuesday’s being regular euchre card night. You need to have a partner to participate in the tournament.

If you have any news, information, birthdays or special events that you would like to see printed in the Providence Bay News and Notes, please let us know. We know that there is a lot going on in our little village but we need the information to be able to submit. We kindly ask that you let us know by each Sunday at 3 pm for submission in the following Wednesday paper. You can email or you can call Cheryl at 705-377-7511. Have a great week everyone!

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Expositor Staff
Expositor Staff
Published online by The Manitoulin Expositor web staff