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Providence Bay News and Notes


There were approximately 45 people who showed up for the monthly breakfast held at the Curling Club. Once again a wonderful success and thank you all for attending.

With the recent snowfall it’s great to see people out enjoying winter activities. Snowmobiling is a popular past time. It’s important to remember though to wait for the OFSC trails to be open in your area before travelling on them. The trails need to have a good base and if people travel on them too soon, it can cause damage to the trail or to your machine. Be patient. There are plenty of other places to ride until the trails open.

A snowy owl was spotted on Grimesthorpe Road. What a beautiful bird.

Don’t forget that although lakes are finally starting to freeze over that it’s important to remember ice safety. Ice should be a minimum of 4” before you go cross country skiing, walking or ice fishing. An ATV or snowmobile is safe at 5.” A small vehicle requires 8-12” and a pickup needs at least 12” before it’s safe to drive it onto the ice.

Cheryl Sheppard travelled to Toronto to see Rodger’s and Hammerstein’s Cinderella at the Ed Mirvish Theatre. It was a wonderful production with laugh out loud comedy, a fantastic orchestra and songs, and amazing dress changing transformations that left you wondering how they did it. It was a great mini vacation.

A big get well soon goes out to Gary Bryan. Speedy recovery.

The annual Pearson Cup hockey tournament is being held this weekend, January 15, 16 and 17. Come on out and cheer on your favourite team. Hot food and beverages are available.

If you have anything to contribute to the Providence Bay News and Notes be sure to send us the information by each Sunday afternoon by 3 pm. Holidays may alter the schedule. We’d love to hear from you. There’s a lot going on in our beautiful little village. Contact Cheryl at 705-377-7511 or email at (prov_chick@hotmail.com).


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