Home News Local Proponents of petition call on province to amend Pesticides Act

Proponents of petition call on province to amend Pesticides Act


KAGAWONG—One of the proponents of a petition calling on the province of Ontario to make changes to the current Pesticides Act says that the committee the campaign will continue this summer.

“I’m meeting Michael Mantha (MPP for Algoma-Manitoulin) this evening to hand over the petitions and signatures we have so far,” said Paul Darlaston, of Kagawong. He acknowledged, “we didn’t do as well as we had expected at the (Manitoulin) Trade Fair this weekend, but we were only contacting people in the parking lot of the NEMI rec centre, but still we have between 100-200 signatures. Mr. Mantha will table the petitions in the legislative assembly and so we have at least put the first stake in the ground on this campaign.”

“We have a committee to get hundreds and hopefully thousands or more signatures on the petition,” said Mr. Darlaston.

The petition reads in part, “To the Legislative Assembly of Ontario: We the undersigned petition the Legislative Assembly of Ontario as follows: that it should consider either A) changing the body of the Pesticides Act, and/or B) the related regulations, to limit all use of pesticides by utilities only to extreme circumstances and only on noxious non-native invasive weeds or plants which are displacing native varieties and only when all other options have been eliminated (rather than pesticides being used as part of standard operating procedure to sterilize re-growth on land on their right of ways as a means of reducing labour costs) and C) consider partially restoring to individual municipalities (lower or upper levels) the authority to determine when and where utilities may use listed pesticides In these extreme circumstances within their jurisdictions.”

“We’re anticipating this petition campaign will gain momentum,” stated Mr. Darlaston. “We have enough signatures so far to at least get the ball rolling and continue the campaign this summer.”

“During the summer we intend to collect signatures-both on the island with seasonal residents and tourists-and in the communities on the Island. As I understand the rules of petitions, Mike (Mantha) can table more signatures (in the legislature) in the fall-as they come in-which will help build the pressure on the government.”

Mr. Mantha tabled the petition in Queen’s Park on Tuesday, prior to question period.


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