Prison death inquest offers no suggestions


NAPANEE— A coroner’s juried inquest was held into the death of 29-year-old Jordan Trudeau of Wikwemikong who died at the hands of corrections officers at the Millhaven Institution’s maximum security gymnasium on March 20, 2011 from a gunshot wound to the chest. There were no recommendations from the coroner’s jury.

Jordan Trudeau was serving a life sentence for his involvement in the brutal death of Wikwemikong’s Clarence ‘Tate’ Lewis when a fight broke out among inmates in the gymnasium where Mr. Trudeau is reported to have been seen stabbing a fellow inmate.

In attempting to regain control of the unit, Correctional Service of Canada officers gave verbal warnings, deployed a chemical spray then fired a number of shots, one of which entered Mr. Trudeau’s chest. The inmate was brought to the Kingston General Hospital where he succumbed to his injuries at 7:30 that evening.

Two other inmates were also shot in the melee but survived.

Two guards, who fired the shots, as well as three other Millhaven employees gave testimony over the two-day inquest which was presided over by Dr. Gordon Watt. Mr. Trudeau’s parents were also in attendance.

The jury gave no recommendations following the inquest, finding that the corrections officers followed the correct means to rectify the situation which at the time was termed a “riot.”