Police charge Espanola man with child pornography offences


ESPANOLA – Members of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) Child Sexual Exploitation Unit, Technological Crime Unit and the Espanola Police Service have arrested and charged an Espanola man following an on-line undercover child pornography investigation.

On January 20, 2016, police executed a search warrant at an Espanola residence.  As a result of this investigation, a computer system was seized which contained images of child sexual abuse.  

On January 20, 2016, police arrested 50 year old Daniel John ECCLESTON, of Espanola, Ontario.  He is charged with two counts of Possession of Child Pornography, one count of Accessing Child Pornography and one count of Making Available Child Pornography.  The accused will appear for a bail hearing on January 22, 2016, at the Ontario Court of Justice in Sudbury.

The investigation is continuing.