Home News Politics Paula Peroni Responds To The Liberal 2014 Budget

Paula Peroni Responds To The Liberal 2014 Budget


SUDBURY –Today, the Liberals released their 2014 Budget, a document that includes nearly $6 billion in new spending that will put Ontario deeper into debt and cost us more jobs.

The Ontario of today has too many people out of work, too many families getting squeezed by paycheques that are too small, and too many politicians worried more about their own jobs than the jobs of Ontarians.

“Our Million Jobs Plan will put Ontario on the right track by balancing the budget and making the right choices.” Paula said.

Ontario needs competent economic management that is focused on a plan for jobs.  Only the PC Party and our Million Jobs Plan will put Ontario on the right track by balancing the budget and making the right choices.

“Kathleen Wynne has been given a year to prove she is different than Dalton McGuinty.  She has only proven nothing has changed,” Paula continued. “All the while Andrea Horwath and the NDP has supported the Liberals over Ontarians so they could benefit.  They are just as  unrealistic, unaffordable, unprepared to lead.”


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