OPP Manitoulin festive RIDE campaign begins Monday


MANITOULIN – The Manitoulin Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) is conducting its annual R.I.D.E. (Reduce Impaired Driving Everywhere) campaign from Monday November 23, 2015 to Saturday January 2, 2016. The OPP is reminding motorists that there is no safe amount of alcohol consumption when driving. Immediate roadside driver’s licence suspension will be issued by the OPP to driver’s who register a Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) in the “Warn Range” of .05 to .08. Offenders will not be allowed to drive from that point on for a minimum of three days.

The Festive R.I.D.E roadside checkpoints have become a familiar part of the holiday season and an effective countermeasure to the road safety issue of impaired driving. If you plan on drinking alcohol this festive season, plan to not drive. Instead, arrange for a designated driver, take a taxi or stay overnight.

Impaired driving remains the leading cause of criminal death in Canada. While OPP does increase their number of R.I.D.E. stops over the holidays, they are reminding drivers that R.I.D.E. stops are carried out throughout the year.

One drink can reduce your ability to concentrate and slow your reaction time. The more alcohol in your blood, the more trouble you have judging distances. Drivers who blow over the legal limit (.08) or refuse a breath test will have their driver’s licences suspended immediately for 90 days under Ontario’s Administrative Drivers Licence Suspension Program. This 90 day suspension is separate and distinct from any criminal charges.

Staff/Sergeant Kevin Webb Manitoulin OPP Detachment Commander states, “The holidays are a happy time to spend with family and loved ones. I urge you all please don’t let it be marred by tragedy with drinking and driving. The key is to have a plan, take turns with friends and family and have a designated driver, stay put for the night if you can or arrange for someone to pick you up. We all have to do our part in being responsible. Please don’t drink and drive and let’s have a holiday everyone can enjoy.”