M’CHIGEENG—The halls and classrooms of Lakeview School in M’Chigeeng were bustling last week as Noojmowin Teg Health Centre hosted ‘Reviving Our Traditions and Culture,’ a traditional health gathering at the school for Education Week.
“We are holding a traditional culture gathering,” said Christianna Jones, Health and Wellness Manager at Noojmowin Teg. She noted the day’s events included archery, painting, language, storytelling, seed sharing, powwow fitness, cedar foot soaks (and you thought cedar was just for tea) and land-based learning.
The day was very well attended by both youth and adults and featured plenty of insight into the history and peoples of M’Chigeeng First Nation.
One of the popular stops was with Jean Bebamash, who has created a historical map of where each family and elder lived, although he admits he has some help with the artwork on his map. “I can’t draw to save my life,” he laughed. “But I created this so that people coming back to the community can find where their parents, grandparents and other ancestors lived. I have marked out where each of them lived.”
Trapper Norm Assiniwe was on hand, complete with thawing beaver carcass, to demonstrate the art of skinning and tanning a hide, although Mr. Assiniwe admits he doesn’t do his own tanning these days. “I used to do all my own tanning, but I have a day job that keeps me pretty busy and there is only so much time,” he laughed.
In addition to some great learning opportunities, there were prizes of golf memberships for adults and children, an adult and child bicycle package, $500 Freshmart gift card and tabletop patio heater and chairs.