To the Expositor:
Why do we have a government? Well a government is supposed to represent us and to protect too, not just to gouge money off us. But when it comes to corporate greed there is certainly no protection from the government. They just go along with it and why? Because they are probably getting some kind of kickbacks from this corporation that is doing this to us.
Every time there is an election they are getting donations from these people, corporate donors, and that is why they are so generous with these people. They get generous handouts from the government when the money runs out. They go after ordinary citizens for more money and they come up with excuses why they are doing this. They certainly do not listen to the ordinary citizens when they speak against something, it’s going to cost them more to live.
I was listening to the news and the energy minister gave a comment about Hydro One and they do not have the power to tell Hydro One anything. I was surprised by this comment. For heaven sakes, this is the government, what the heck is going on here? This is why we have a government, to have power to say something. I think this energy minister’s comment was pretty stupid. These people need to smarten up, we do not need idiots sitting in office to represent us.
Ron Osawabine