Municipalities to receive 2014 DSB surplus


ESPANOLA— Member municipalities received some good news during the May board meeting of the Manitoulin-Sudbury District Services Board ( DSB ). With the DSB ’s reserves in decent shape, and no major expenditures forecasted for 2015, the municipalities will each be receiving their share of the 2014 surplus.

The board learned that, following a review of its audited 2014 financial statements, the DSB was left with a surplus of $219,540.

DSB CAO Fern Dominelli said that while the working fund reserve was low (the working fund reserve must be kept at least 15 percent of the municipal share), “there is nothing projected that would keep us (the DSB) from hanging on to it (the surplus).” Mr. Dominelli made the recommendation to the board that the surplus be returned to the municipalities, according to their shares of the municipal budget.

Northeast Town Mayor Al MacNevin made the motion to return the surplus to the member municipalities, with all in favour.

According to the apportionment formula, Manitoulin municipalities will receive the following amounts: Assiginack, $8,248.79; Gordon/Barrie Island, $6,035.64; Cockburn Island, $505.30; Billings, $7,978.73; Central Manitoulin, $17,229.71; Burpee-Mills, $3,279.68; Tehkummah, $3,349.38; Northeast Town, $25,551.31; and Gore Bay, $3,586.61. The townships without municipal organization, among them Dawson and Robinson, will receive $34,615.85 and Killarney will see $14,242.92 in surplus funding returned.