It is starting to feel a lot like fall! Crisp, sweet air is blowing through the trees surrounding MSS, knocking orange leaves to the ground. While the breeze is chilly it is certainly welcome by students who are excited for sweater season.
With fall comes the Fall Harvest Celebration! All students were asked to join in to this contest for a chance to compete in Sudbury. There are forty-two categories, some of which include, create a quilted wall hanging, pumpkin muffins, or an autumn themed poem. Students have handed in their creations today, Wednesday, October 4 for judging.
On Tuesday, September 26 was the MSS Extracurricular Expo. This annual fair displays the student body’s many initiatives and accomplishments by putting them on display around the school. Booths were set up along the walls of the first floor with students and community members eager to show other students what they do. There were several clubs present including, Student Council, Athletics Association, The Greenhouse Club, Three Fires, The Prom Project, the musical, the robotics team, Rainbow Rights, SHARE/ Go Green, and Reach For The Top. Classes were excused one at a time starting during period two to check out what each club has to offer. Not only did this expose students to the wonderful opportunities around the school, it increased participation in these activities. Community members were also welcome to attend to give students resources and supports. This included groups like public health, UCCM Police, Manitoulin Victim Services, Mnaamodzawin Health Services, Manitoulin Drug Strategy, and Noojmowin Teg. It was a great opportunity for students to build connections with their peers and get involved in the school’s vibrant community.
On Thursday, September 28 MSS recognized Orange Shirt Day. The purpose of this day is to honour and acknowledge victims of residential schools and the impact they continue to have on Indigenous as a student body. Students and staff were asked to wear orange shirts to school to show their support for this important day. The National Day for Truth and Reconciliation was on Saturday, September 30 and all Canadians were asked to show their support through the colour orange as well. A school-wide address Thursday morning touched on the importance of preserving the memory of those lost to residential schools and honouring the survivors. “In the spirit of reaching minds and touching hearts, our schools and classrooms gather with the values of the Seven Grandfather Teachings for kind-hearted action and caring relationships towards resilience, equity and community in Rainbow Schools. We recognize the many gifts that Indigenous peoples bring to the world and our communities,” continued the address. Following this, students listened to a hand drum song performed by Liz Osawamick called “Binoojiinyaag Gizaagigoom” or “Children We Love You.” A moment of silence followed as students reflected on truth and reconciliation.
To bring students together on Orange Shirt Day, The Three Fires organized a potluck feast for the student body. Those interested were asked to bring in chile to serve to students who later voted for which chile was their favourite. There was also a variety of sides served including scone, rice, mashed potatoes and several desserts. Students were lined up all around the cafeteria to try the food brought in and served by volunteers. After food was served you could see students mingling and debating which chile was the best before marking down their votes.

That is all for this week! Until next time, go Mustangs, go!