Home Columns MSS Kids in the Halls – September 20, 2023

MSS Kids in the Halls – September 20, 2023


We are already more than halfway through September. It is hard to believe how fast time can fly! The first couple weeks of school are always an important transitional time for students and teachers. Right now, everyone is solidifying habits and getting into the swing of the new school year.

Not even this tumultuous time of year will slow down the beginning of school sports. The cross-country team has been running since before school started! Along with this, the junior girls’ basketball team has been practicing hard for their upcoming season. The tryouts for the team were held after school on Tuesday, September 12. Lastly, the mountain biking team had an interest meeting this week to discuss registration for the Sudbury High School Race Series. Good luck to our athletes!

As a part of the annual Week of Welcome, or WOW for short, the Student Council and Athletics Association planned a couple events for students to participate in. First, to settle students into their new schedules the groups hosted a trivia game at lunch on Monday, September 11. Next, the school mascot, Stangley, was taking selfies with students on Thursday, September 14. Finally, since many are still not used to waking up early, there was a Pyjama Day on Friday September 15.

Thursday, September 14 was Stand Up To Bullying day. Students and staff interested in showing support for this cause were asked to wear pink. Bullying, though horrible, is frequent in schools around the world. Bullying is defined as “to seek to harm, intimidate, or coerce” often consistently or in a repetitive manner. By bringing awareness to bullying it may encourage victims to reach out for help from a trusted adult. Thank you to all of those who showed their support on Thursday.

The MSS Robotics Team, Manitoulin Metal, had their first full team meeting of the year on Thursday, September 14. This meeting had record-breaking attendance for any Manitoulin Metal meeting. The room was filled to the brim with new members from all grades, all of whom were eager to learn. The meeting was kicked off with a fun button making activity and introductions.  Keep an eye out for the robotics team and their robot, Bumblebee, at community events this year!

Along with Pyjama Day, there was the very first Student Council/Athletics Association meeting. During the meeting students discussed leadership for this year, future events, and fundraising initiatives. Some ideas that were brought up included annual things like Halloween for Hunger and spirit days to things like a winter formal. Needless to say there will be many student-led events for everyone to look forward to this year.

On Monday, September 18th a representative from Nipissing University came and talked to Grade 12 students about Nipissing University as an option for post-secondary education. This time of year is a crucial time for seniors as they dive into applying to post-secondary schools. Informational sessions like this are very important as they allow students to ask questions that may make or break their final decisions.

A list of PA days for our school has been sent out to parents and guardians of students. The next PA day will be nine days from now on Friday, September 29. There are several more PA days throughout the school year on these dates: November 10, 2023, February 2, 2024, April 19, 2024 and June 10, 2024.

That’s all for this week! Until next time, go Mustangs, go!

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