Home Columns MSS Kids in the Halls – Dec 12-18

MSS Kids in the Halls – Dec 12-18


Christmas is in full swing at MSS! Each day the Christmas spirit can be felt in the classrooms and throughout the halls. Today is one of the busiest days before Christmas with a talent show and evening concert! A Christmas joke for you:

An LED bulb invited a Christmas light bulb over for dinner. When the Christmas bulb showed up at the LED bulb’s house, he was surprised to find that she didn’t come alone.

LED bulb: “You brought friends?”

Christmas bulb: “We are Christmas lights….when one goes out we all go out.”

As a part of the Christmas season, the Mustangs are celebrating the 12 days of Christmas! The 12 days of Christmas started out on Thursday, December 6 with Plaid Day! Friday, December 7 was Christmas karaoke in the music room. Monday, December 10 and Tuesday, December 11 was hot chocolate from Three Fires and candygrams handed out by SHARE/Go Green, respectively. Today, Wednesday, December 12, is the talent show and Christmas concert. Tomorrow, December 13, is Ugly Christmas Sweater Day and Friday is the Winter Formal. Next week consists of gingerbread houses, apple cider, cookie baking, Christmas carolling and Movie Day! 

On Tuesday, December 4, both the junior and senior boys’ basketball teams were in action in the MSS gym against the Elliot Lake Atoms. Both teams played great games, but unfortunately lost their games, 48-29 and 23-19 respectively. 

On Friday, December 7 there was an open gym for gymnastics from 3 to 6 pm! Remember that everyone is welcome to join, especially beginners! Hope to see you there next time!

Today, Wednesday, December 12, during fourth period there was a talent show for students. Students had the chance to attend for a small fee. The money will go towards the music program.

Also today, Wednesday, December 12, the boys’ hockey team will be playing a home game at the NEMI Rec Centre at 4:30 pm against Lo-Ellen.

Tonight at 7 pm there is a Christmas concert at MSS. There will be performances by various MSS groups and songs performed by elementary schools students. Everyone is welcome to attend! 

On Thursday, December 13, the girls’ hockey team will be playing against Lively in M’Chigeeng at 5 pm. 

On Friday, December 14, the Winter Formal will be taking place from 7 to 11 pm. Tickets may be purchased at the door. 

On Tuesday, December 18, the girls’ hockey team will be playing against Marymount.

Awards Night is Thursday, December 20 at 7 pm! Mark it on your calendar! Thank you to all individuals and organizations who made donations towards this event. They are greatly appreciated by the graduates!

Just a reminder that MSS is a scent sensitive place. Scent products such as perfume, cologne, body spray, hair products, etc. should not be used or brought to school. Serious medical conditions can be triggered by scents. 

Joke of the week: What do you call an elf who steals wrapping paper from the rich and gives it to the poor? Ribbon Hood.

Upcoming events include basketball, hockey and volleyball games, the winter talent show, Christmas concert and Awards Night!

Until next time, “Dream and Believe. Learn and Achieve!”


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