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MSS Kids in the Halls


By Rachael Orford

Yippee Ki-Yay! It is the first day of May! A flower joke for you:

Did you hear about the lazy flower who finally got his act together? He just needed a kick in the bud.

On Thursday, April 25, the Manitoulin Secondary School 24th Annual Powwow was held starting with the Grand Entry at 12:30 pm. Students of MSS, elementary schools and residents of the community came together to celebrate unity and the theme “school spirit.”

Last weekend, students that are a part of the SHARE/Go Green committee went out into the community and cleaned people’s yards for $10/hour for a charity which helps to bring clean water to communities without access to it.

Today, Wednesday, May 1 during fourth period there will be a student talent show followed by the Joan Mantle Trust Fund Music concert in the evening at 7 pm. There will be performances by the MSS Vocal Group, the Grade 9 Music Class, the Grade 10/11 Music Class, Senior/Concert Band and other students. Choirs and musicians from three elementary schools will also be performing. There will be a unique opportunity to hear a musical performance which includes both elementary and high school students. Everyone is welcome!

Also today, May 1, the MSS gymnastics team is competing at the Jack Miller Meet in Sudbury. Good luck, Mustangs!

On Saturday, May 11, MSS SHARE/Go Green is holding “WE Walk for Water.” “WE Walk for Water” is a youth led event to promote respect for the water systems and care for the earth. Students want to raise awareness around protecting water and do it in a show of solidarity. Over 50 students have signed up for the event and are inviting you to join them for the Water Walk. SHARE/Go Green is hoping to fundraise through pledges with the proceeds going to support clean water projects around the world. Participants of “WE Walk for Water” will walk from either Misery Bay to M’Chigeeng or from Wiikwemikoong to M’Chigeeng, meeting at MSS for a feast. Participants of the walk can be part of a relay team or solo walkers. You can participate in the Water Walk many different ways! If you would like to join the students in the walk, please let MSS know. If walking is not your thing you could help with and attend the potluck feast at 6:30pm at MSS or make a donation to WE Walk for Water through MSS’s SHARE/Go Green Committee. Visit the Facebook page for more information (http://bit.ly/H2OWalk).

The Central Manitoulin Community Garden and Pumpkin Patch is still looking for volunteers to help with the garden and pumpkin patch this spring and throughout the growing season. This year the community garden is adding a section to the garden that will be dedicated to the Food Bank. This garden will give the Food Bank the opportunity to include fresh produce in their baskets. If you are a high school student that is interested in this project and need some volunteer hours, the Central Manitoulin Community Garden and Pumpkin Patch would be happy to have you assist them. If you are interested in helping out, and need a few more volunteer hours, please contact Sue Rumble at 705-377-4112. 

Track and field has started at MSS! Students have begun to train for their individual events. Meets are scheduled in the next few weeks. Train hard, Mustangs!

Joke of the week: What does a flower say when it’s surprised? What in carnation!

Upcoming events include, track and field, tennis, Joan Mantle Trust Fund Music concert, gymnastics and more!

Until next time, “Dream and Believe. Learn and Achieve!


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