Top 5 This Week

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MSS Kids in the Halls

by Rachael Orford

The stress level couldn’t be any higher as there is only one week until the end of the semester. Students are working on final projects and preparing for their exams. Exams start on Thursday, January 24 and continue until Tuesday, January 29. There will be exams in the morning of January 24 with half classes being held in the afternoon. Exams start at 9:30 am each day. If there happens to be a snow day with buses being cancelled on a day of a scheduled exam, all exams will all be bumped by one day.

On Monday, January 7, students returned to school after the two-week Christmas break. But due to the bad weather on Monday, all after school extracurriculars and late buses were cancelled. The snow continued and so on Tuesday, January 8 all buses were cancelled due to road conditions. A snow day! Yay!

A winter joke for you: If H2O is the formula for water, what is the formula for ice? H2O cubed.

On Wednesday, January 9, both the senior and junior girls’ volleyball teams played in tournaments. Over the course of the day, there were lots of good volleys, serves and spikes. As a result, the junior girls won all of their games! Great job, girls!

To manage the stress of exams and everything else that life has to offer in the way of school work, Mr. Nelson and school social worker Alison Orford are offering students the opportunity to participate in ‘Mindful Mondays.’ This past Monday, January 14 and for the next two Mondays, January 21 and 28, ‘Mindful Mondays’ will be taking place in E2. During ‘Mindful Mondays’ students will be using different websites to help created a plan to manage their emotions and help minimize the stress associated with the end of semester. 

Tomorrow, Thursday, January 17, the girls’ hockey team is playing a home game against Lively at the M’Chigeeng arena at 5 pm. Come out and cheer on the Mustangs!

On Friday, January 18, the boys’ hockey team has a home game against Lively at the NEMI Rec Centre at 7 pm. Go boys, go!

These will be the last games for both hockey teams until the start of second semester, Monday, February 4.

A sign up list for the Stratford Trip was posted last Wednesday, January 9! The Stratford Trip is for Grades 11 and 12 students only. If you are interested be sure to sign up!

Volunteer hours are available! If you are a student and need to get some volunteer hours there are a couple opportunities in January and February. In Gore Bay, on January 19 there is a Wedding Extravaganza and in Providence Bay an event on February 15, 16 and 17 is happening at the curling club. Contact the main office at MSS for more information.

Joke of the week: Exam attitudes: They give me questions I don’t know. I give them answer they don’t know.

Upcoming events include basketball, hockey and volleyball games. But most importantly final exams!

Until the next time, “Dream and Believe. Learn and Achieve!”

Article written by

Expositor Staff
Expositor Staff
Published online by The Manitoulin Expositor web staff