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MSS Kids in the Halls


October is here! The leaves are turning colour and a cool breeze is whisking in. Hand crafted turkeys are being made by kids (and adults) everywhere in the spirit of Thanksgiving!

A Thanksgiving joke for you:

What do you get when you cross a turkey with an octopus? Enough drumsticks for everyone!

Taco Tuesday was celebrated on Tuesday, September 25! Warm tacos were offered for lunch in the cafeteria. A taco joke for you: A math teacher asked her student “If you had four tacos and I asked for one, how many would you have left?” The student replied, “Well if you’re asking, I’ll still have four.”

On Thursday, September 27, the junior girls’ basketball team played Wikwemikong High School in the MSS gym. Many students watched the game and cheered the girls on to victory during lunch! Great job, girls!

On Saturday, September 29, the Full Value Fitness Challenge took place at MSS. Thank you to everyone who came out to support the event!

On Thursday, October 4, the junior boys’ volleyball team will be playing an away game! Good luck, boys!

Also on Thursday, October 4, vocal group will be having their second after school practice in the music room. Practices run from 3 to 4:30 pm. They are still looking for members! If you are interested, please speak to Mr. T!

Progress reports and parent/teacher interviews will be held on Thursday, October 11. It is the wonderful day of progress reports going home and the day that parents get to see how their children are doing so far in the first semester! Parents also get a chance to meet their child’s teachers and speak with them. Mark the date on your calendar to insure you don’t miss it!

During the month of October, college and university information tour days will be taking place in Northern Ontario. If you are interested, dates and times for presentations in Espanola and Sudbury can be found on the calendar outside the office!

SHARE/Go Green has been having frequent meetings discussing how to make this school year better! If you are interested in making this school year the best ever and want to join, please speak to Mrs. Bauer, Mr. T or Mr. Zegil!

Each week all students have the option of completing a weekly intention. The weekly intention is a request to complete an act or goal during the week. The weekly intention is posted outside the social workers office in A corridor. If you complete the weekly intention, please speak to Mrs. Orford and your name will be placed in a draw at the end of the week to win a chocolate bar. Last week’s weekly intention was “show an act of respect.” Please continue to fulfill the weekly intentions, Mustangs!

The art group has been meeting at lunch a few times each week. As you probably have already assumed, the art group is all about art! At the end of the year, the art group will put on an art show for everyone to admire.

Senior band is up and running! Music is in the making! The senior band is being directed by Mr. T. Please stay tuned for your chance to hear the band play at various events during the year!

Joke of the week for all you Shakespeare and turkey lovers: What does an English turkey say to another English turkey on Thanksgiving morning? To be or not to be roasted, that is the question.

Upcoming events include, boys’ volleyball team away games, progress reports, parent/teacher interviews and Thanksgiving!

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! Don’t eat too much turkey and stuffing!

Until next time, “Dream and Believe. Learn and Achieve!”


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