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MSS Kids in the Halls


by Rachael Orford

As the seasons change from summer to fall, and the air starts to feel much cooler, students from MSS attended Kenjgewin Teg’s (KTEI) Fall Harvest on Thursday, September 20 at the M’Chigeeng powwow grounds.

What did autumn say to summer? Make like a tree and leaf.

Also on Thursday, September 20, 11 students that are part of SHARE/Go Green attended We Day in Toronto. We Day is an unparalleled celebration of young people committed to making a difference. We Day was a day full of performances from many celebrities and motivational speakers, meant to reward and inspire young leaders and world changers.

A few other students were also making a difference on Thursday, September 20. A handful of students, along with social worker, Mrs. Orford, attended the MHCC (Mental Health Commission of Canada) Headstrong conference at Lockerby Composite School in Sudbury. Headstrong is anti-stigma initiative created by MHCC for youth aged 12-18. Headstrong was designed to inspire students to be brave, reach out and speak up about mental health.

Friday, September 21 was Freeze Friday Part 2! More free freezies were available at lunch in the cafeteria.

The Robotics Team held their first meeting on Friday, September 21s A robot was going around the school reminding students about the meeting. The Robotics Team isn’t just all building and coding. There is a little bit of everything for everyone, coding, building, engineering, designing and more! If you missed the meeting or want to find out more about the team, see Mr. Davy.

Thursday, September 27 is Orange Shirt Day. Orange Shirt Day is a legacy of the St. Joseph Mission residential school commemoration event held in Williams Lake, British Columbia. Students are asked to wear orange on September 27 to remember all of those affected by residential schools.

Friday, September 28 is a PD Day (Professional Development Day)!

Just a reminder that Saturday, September 29 is the Full Value Fitness Challenge fundraiser at MSS. Proceeds will go to support local Pee-Wee and Atom Panther Hockey. If anyone one is interested in participating, first runs are at 9:30 am. If you have any questions please contact Mr. Balfe and check out the trailers on YouTube! The trailers have been playing at lunch in the cafeteria for students to see.

The Living Well Locker has been helping many students thrive in the school environment, whether it is for a lunch, a bag of groceries or hygiene products. All students are welcome to use the Locker but also are encouraged to contribute non-perishable items.

Speaking of food, on Tuesday, September 18, soup was offered at MSS to promote healthy eating and the small agricultural farm that will be starting in the near future.

Joke of the week: Why do trees hate going back to school in the fall? Because they are easily stumped!

Upcoming events include, Orange Shirt Day, Full Value Fitness Challenge and a P.D. Day!

Until next time, “Dream and Believe. Learn and Achieve!”


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