Happy Halloween everyone! Spooky season has swept through the halls of MSS again this year with events like Halloween for Hunger, but with midterms right around the corner, students are busier than ever. Despite the stress, there are many exciting goings-on at MSS.
After school on Tuesday, October 24 the MSS Robotics Team had a social for all of its members. An evening full of fun, games and food ensued as the new members of the team became familiar with the returning ones. The social started off with a team meeting announcing upcoming volunteering opportunities including a Staying in Touch tech-help session and a Halloween Haunted Trail. After the student leaders on the team introduced themselves to the newer members, the games began. The icebreakers kicked off with a game of Two Truths and a Lie. Everyone came up with three things about themselves–one being completely false. It was up to the rest of the group to figure out what statement was the lie. At the end of the game there was a group of students honorably named “The Best Liars.” A round of Human Knot followed. In this game everyone stands in a circle and grabs the hands of two different people across from them. The robotics team then had to untangle themselves without letting go of each other’s hands. Several other games followed, each accompanied by laughter from the team. The scent of hot pizza lured students back into the robotics room for dinner. Conversations crowded the atmosphere, bringing students of all grades together.
Using the batteries collected from their annual battery drive the robotics team participated in a relay race to count the batteries. The total was over a thousand batteries, all saved from being improperly disposed of in the landfill. To keep the competition going the team played dodgeball in the gym–mentors versus members, juniors versus seniors and Grade 9s versus everyone. To end the evening, the team gathered for karaoke. A sense of camaraderie filled the air even as the speakers stopped working, forcing the brave singers to sing acappella. The evening was very successful because it brought the entire team together, creating a strong foundation for the season ahead.

photo by Alexandra Wilson-Zegil
As a part of their Halloween initiatives the Student Council sold candygrams in the front foyer the week leading up to Halloween. These sweet surprises are lollipops attached to a personalized message, which students can send to their friends, teachers or secret admirers. It’s a delightful way to brighten someone’s day and contribute to a festive atmosphere around the school. The proceeds from candygram sales will go towards funding future school events and initiatives.
Along with the ghosts and ghouls the season brings, Halloween for Hunger is another annual staple. This initiative, organized by the SHARE/Go Green committee, encourages students to collect non-perishable food items to support local food banks during the holiday season. The week leading up to Halloween a classroom contest ensued. The homeroom that brought in the most non-perishable food items won a pizza party. Along with the collections from this, students trick-or-treated for food donations Halloween night in their communities. The SHARE/Go Green club will count up all the donations this week and bring them to the Manitoulin Family Resources food bank.
It is exciting to see so many students participating and giving back to their communities. These selfless attitudes will continue to be seen as we begin to turn our backs on the fall season and prepare for snow.
That is all for this week! Until next time, go, Mustangs, go!