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MSS Kids in the Hall


Students have returned from their Thanksgiving weekends and are jumping right back into their busy school year! Let’s take a look at what happened last week! 

The school was jam-packed with volleyball players on Wednesday, October 9. MSS was host to both NOSSA junior and senior boys’ volleyball. The gym was split in two, with either division on opposite sides. Both MSS teams did very well at the tournament!  

That same day, there was Karaoke in the Caf, a highly anticipated event where students could sing their favourite songs at lunch. Karaoke added a fun twist to the week with songs from Rhianna, Mitski and others being performed! 

The MSS Mountain Biking team took to the trails this week! The students have been practicing their skills since the first month of the school year, and they were able to show off what they learned at Kivi Park on Thursday, October 10. Congratulations to all of our mountain bikers!

An essential part of the school year, parent-teacher interviews, were held on Thursday, October 10 at 6:30. Parents and guardians were invited to come in and discuss their child’s academics with each of their teachers. To complement parent-teacher conferences, progress reports were handed out this week. These reports are used to communicate successes, grade range and areas of improvement for students. 

Students settled in for a long weekend last week with Thanksgiving on Monday, October 14. Students used this as a time to catch up with their families and friends and enjoy the beautiful fall weather. Something students at MSS are thankful for is our Living Well Locker program. This program provides students with food throughout the day in a cart and fridge accessible in the common room. Students in need may also visit the Living Well Locker room to take home clothes, groceries, toiletries and more. The Living Well Locker runs off community donations, thank you to all who have donated and to the volunteers managing the Locker! 

That’s all for this week! Until next time, go, Mustangs, go!

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