Home News Local MSS carpentry team finishes fifth at provincial skills competition

MSS carpentry team finishes fifth at provincial skills competition

The Manitoulin Secondary School ‘Team of Two’ carpentry team, Aiden Case and Corbin Best, finished a very strong fifth among 53 teams from across the province in a skills competition in Toronto early in May. The team constructed the table they are shown sitting on in photo.

M’CHIGEENG—A Manitoulin Secondary School (MSS) Mustangs “Team of Two carpentry” team finished a very strong fifth among 53 teams from across the province in a skills competition held recently.

“The (MSS) team of Aiden Case (Grade 12 student) and Corbin Best (Grade 11) finished fifth among the 53 teams across the province in the provincial skills competition,” said Steve Robinson, technology teacher at MSS. “I have taught both students and they did really good at the provincials.”

“At this competition all schoolboards in the province take part, so these were the best teams from all over Ontario taking part,” said Mr. Robinson. He pointed out Mr. Case and Mr. Best had competed in the Rainbow District School Board (RDSB) wide regional competition earlier this year, finishing first. 

Mr. Robinson explained in the ‘Team of 2 Carpentry’ competition, “the teams were provided plans for making a patio table, and then they are timed as they construct the table. Judging then takes place on their work by industry experts in Toronto.”

The provincial skills competition took place May 6-8 at the Toronto Congress Centre. “It is a huge event with several thousand competitors taking part, and several thousand in attendance,” added Mr. Robinson. 

Mr. Robinson added that RDSB has partnered with other school boards in Sudbury, along with Cambrian College to form Team Sudbury, which is generously sponsored by Manitoulin Transport.

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