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MSO athletes dominate district track and fieldManitoulin Special OlympicsMSO athletes dominate district track and field

The Manitoulin Special Olympics (MSO) track and field team dominated a district competition held recently. The 11 MSO athletes brought home 22 first place finishes, nine second and five thirds. The MSO athletes and volunteers who took part include from left Natalie Rayner, Kelsey Mellan, Dylan Danville, Sandra Graham, Matthew Bedard, William Leclair, Bruce Vanhorn, Dallas Fox, Michael Cormiere, Allan Francis, David Gagne, Norman Daoust, Janet Anning, Joanne Mellan. Missing from photo are volunteers Herve Leclair, Rylee Mayer, Kathy Nickol and Julie Deshamps. photo by Tom Sasvari

MANITOULIN—Manitoulin Special Olympics (MSO) athletes dominated a district track and field athletic competition. 

“Our athletes did very well,” said MSO coach and coordinator Janet Anning of the event held in North Bay on June 22. “Our 11 athletes brought home 22 first place finishes, nine seconds and five thirds. It was a great day with everyone performing their personal bests.” 

“The athletes work hard all season, and even during the rainy season this spring when it was hard to train outside, they trained inside instead,” said Ms. Anning. “That is all we ask them to do, do their best.”

About 200 Special Olympic athletes from across Northern Ontario took part in the district track and field meet.

The MSO Striders team was led by Bruce Vanhorn who placed first in four different events. He was first in his age division in the 100 and 200 metre runs and mini-javelin 400 throw and softball throw. 

Matthew Bedard was first in three events in his age category. He took first in the 3,000, 5,000 and 800 metre runs. 

Kelsey Mellan brought home two first place and two second place finishes in the four events she took part in her division. She was first in the 100 and 200 metre runs, and second in both the mini javelin throw and shot put.

Aaron Nickol also brought home two first place and two second place finishes. He was first in both the mini-javelin, and softball throw, and second in both the 100-metre run and long jump.

Allan Francis placed first place in the mini javelin thrown in his age division, shot put, finished third in the 100-metre run and was fourth in both the 200 and 400 metre runs.

David Gagne placed first in the softball throw and was second in both the 50-metre run and mini javelin. 

William Leclair finished first in both the long jump and mini javelin. He was third in the 100-metre run and shot put.

Michael Cormier took first place in the mini javelin in his age category. He finished second in the 100-metre run, third in the long jump, fourth in the shot put and sixth in the 200-metre run.

Norman Daoust was first in two events. He took top spot in both the 100-metre run and mini javelin and placed second in the softball throw.

Dylan Danville finished first in both the 800-metre run and shot put in his division, second in the mini javelin, third in the 400-metre run and fourth in the 100-metre run.

Dallas Fox was first in the softball throw.

“This was a district competition and a provincial qualifier so we will have to wait and see if any of our athletes qualified for the provincials,” added Ms. Anning.

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