Home Op-Ed Letters to the Editor Michael’s Bay books are properly audited

Michael’s Bay books are properly audited


To the Expositor:

Please allow me to respond to Bill Wilson’s letters to the editor in the January 24 edition of The Recorder and the February 5 edition of The Expositor.

Since its inception in 2000, the Michael’s Bay Historical Society’s books have been subject to a yearly external audit by local accountants as is required of registered charities and not for profit corporations and have been found in order. Internal audits have also been conducted on occasion and anyone who doubts the veracity of the Society’s books is welcome to have such an audit conducted under supervision and at their own expense.

One of our goals since inception has been to protect the gravesites within the town site. To that end we have, with the help of Dr. Julig from Laurentian University, identified five such burial sites and have had a preliminary survey conducted on those sites. We also purchased fencing to enclose one of the gravesites. When the property was seized by the Belgian government we were forbidden to do any more work on the site by the RCMP. Mr. Wilson and Mr. Tracy maintain that they had the owners’ permission to undertake work on the site but the Society questions whether that permission was legal given that the property was under seizure at the time.


Bryan Gleason, secretary

Michael’s Bay Historical Society



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