The Manitoulin Health Centre Auxiliary met on October 9 with President Dawn Orr chairing the meeting. There were 15 members and one guest present. A moment of silence was held to honour Elaine Moore, our late president.
Mariana Markovic, Director of Nursing Care was introduced and learned about some of the projects the auxiliary has been involved in.
The winners of the cash raffle drawn October 6 are: $1,000, Anne Slaght; $500, Sandra Pope; $100, Christianna Jones; $100, Cheryl Draper; $100, Nancy Schutt.
Thank you to those involved in selling tickets. The Harvest Sale was also successful. Many thanks for the donations of preserves and baking and for the volunteers and shoppers who braved the rain and cold.
New volunteers have come forward to staff the tuck cart and sell H.E.L.P. Lottery tickets.
The next meeting will be held Tuesday, November 13 at 7 pm, upstairs in multi-purpose room of the Little Current site. New members are welcome. Dues are $2.