Home News Police Media Release: Unsafe Vehicle Report

Media Release: Unsafe Vehicle Report


Espanola Police
Media Release: Traffic Enforcement

On March 24th, 2017 Espanola Police received information regarding an unsafe vehicle being operated on the roadway.  The original vehicle owner had sold the involved vehicle, but upon the purchaser having the vehicle examined it was determined that the vehicle was in such poor condition that it could not be repaired to meet MTO safety standards.  The original owner received the vehicle back from the purchaser, however she continued to drive the vehicle despite the knowledge of its poor condition.  This caused concern for the safety of the vehicle occupants as well as others on the roadway, and Police were notified.

An officer conducted an investigation and subsequently observed the vehicle being driven on March 30th at approximately 10:00 pm.  The vehicle was stopped and the owner was charged for Operating an Unsafe Vehicle, contrary to Section 84 of the Highway Traffic Act.  She will appear in court on June 8th, 2017 to answer to this charge.  The licence plates were also seized from the vehicle as the vehicle was not fit for the roadway.


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